Student Name: DAJI, MI, Mohammed Imran

Report  title: 

Trendy Garments Ltd

(3500 words)

Tutorial group: 16

Tutorial Time: Friday, 10-11

Tutors Name: Osman Khan

Course: BSc Business and Management Dept: School of Management

No of words in this assignment: 3499

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  • Introduction…………………………………………………………………..2

  • Overview of present scenario………………………………………………..2

  • Information Systems………………………………………………………..3-5

  • Networks………...…………………………………………………………..5-7

  • Accounting And HRM systems…………………………………………….7-9

  • E-business………...…………………………………………………………9-10

  • Conclusion……………………………………………………………………11

  • Appendix ………...…………………………………………………………12-14

  • References: ………...…………………………………………………………15


Trendy Garments Limited (TGL) started off 10 years ago, and has grown at a very high pace. It manufactures various types of male and female garments. Today it employs over 150 employees in 2 major cities.

Overview of Present Scenario

TGL have created a new information system department. The management is looking to introduce Information systems to what it had before, for potentially greater efficiency and reduce cost. TGL has a need of a number on Information systems across many of its departments, different systems for different functions.

As TGL’s Business System Analyst, in this report, I have been asked to look at the role and acquisition of IS. To also consider a new and suitable network infrastructure. In addition I am going to evaluate the Accounting and Human Resource Management systems available on the market and how they can benefit TGL. I will also be looking E-business and How TGL can implement it.

Information Systems

In business today, in all industries throughout the world, are now dependant on their Information Systems (IS). An Information System is commonly taken to imply a computer based system which gathers data and produces data that the computer requires (Harry, 1997). Nowadays information system has become a vital component of a successful organisation, its gives organisations a competitive advantage and the adoption of an Information System framework is vital for any organisations long-term prosperity and survival. Information systems can help to support business need, reduce costs and assess risks.

An information system within a business results from the structured and successful incorporation of the three main resources of people, organisation and technology (Elliot, 2004). There are 4 main components to an information system:

Source: Elliot, G (2004) Global Business Information Technology.

The above diagram shows how some of the features of information systems work.  

In general, all systems normally share five common characteristics that allow a system to be defined as a system. These characteristics are:

  • Inputs or outputs
  • Goals or objectives
  • Systems boundary(or environment)
  • Feedback and control
  • Interrelated parts (activity)

All systems have inputs and outputs; the main purpose of a system is to change or transform the inputs into outputs.  The output of one system can often form the input for another system.  The second characteristic in a system is goals or objectives.  The activities and processes of a system are determined by its goals. The system will try to meet the goals set and is the basis of your output.

The third characteristic is the systems environment. It can be defined as whatever lies within the scope of the system and interacts with the system. This is where legal, political, economical, cultural and technological factors can all influence the system process.

The major defining characteristic of systems is split in to two parts, feedback and control.  

All systems have controls that allow a system to pursue its goals.  For a system to meet its goals, some form of control and feedback mechanism is essential to the systems effective operation.  Systems feedback involves monitoring outputs achieved against desired outputs, and taking whatever corrective action is necessary if a difference exists.  Feedback can either be negative or positive.

Normally, all businesses rely on feedback and control systems.  For a system to achieve its set objectives then a control system is needed to run the operation effectively. Control can only be achieved by accurate and effective information feedback that allows modifications to be made in the direction of the set objectives        

The diagram below is of a feedback and control model.

Source: Elliot, G (2004) Global Business Information Technology.

The final characteristic is interrelated parts that work in harmony to achieve the goals of the work smoothly to achieve the set of objectives of the system. Systems can be interrelated by one another inputs and outputs.

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Understanding of the principles of systems theory provides a means of building better and more appropriate systems within a business organisation. (Elliot, 2004)

Looking at how TGL work, and the inputs for TGL are likely to be the raw material involved in production of clothing, labour and the equipment, etc.

Using data flow diagram I will see how the information flows through the different departments

Data flow diagram (DFD’s) is a method of data-oriented systems. A data flow diagram is a graphic representation of a system. With a dataflow diagram, users are able ...

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