Review the important aspects of demand and cost theory, evaluating how they contribute to our understanding of how markets operate.

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Question 1

a) Review the important aspects of demand and cost theory, evaluating how they contribute to our understanding of how markets operate. (60 Marks)

Market is a set of arrangement by which buyers and sellers exchange goods and services. Different markets (Stock Exchange, E-Commerce, Supermarkets) may be superficially different but they perform the same economic function which is to determine prices which ensures that the quantity people wish to buy equals the quantity people wish to sell. The ingredients of this typical market model are demand, the behaviour of buyers, and supply, the behaviour of sellers. All these ingredients have to interact together to make the market work. (Begg).

Demand is the quantity that buyers wish to purchase at each conceivable price. . (Begg).

The law of demand states that as the price of a good increases, demand for that good will fall. Sloman.This law is illustrated by the demand curve which shows the relation between price and quantity demanded, holding other things constant.

Table 1 Demand and Price of Chocolate

Price (£/bar)

Demand (no. of bars)













Graph Pg 28 Begg

This graph measures chocolate prices on the vertical axis, and chocolate quantities on the horizontal axis. The demand curve DD plots the data in the table shown above.

There are two reasons for the demand law:

People will feel poorer. They will not be able to afford to buy so much of the good with their money. The purchasing power of their income (their real income) has fallen. This is called the income effect of a price rise. The size of income effect depends on the proportion of income spent on the good. The bigger the proportion of income spent on good the bigger will be the effect of a price rise on people's real income and the more they will reduce the quantity they demand.

The good will now be dearer relative to other goods. People will thus switch to alternative or 'substitute goods'. This is called the substitution effect of a price rise. The size of substitution effect depends on the number and closeness of substitute goods.SLOMAN
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The overall effect is the sum of the income and substitution effects.

Demand is also affected by the other factors other than price.

Tastes: Tastes are affected by advertising, by fashion, by observing other consumers, by consideration of health and by the experiences from consuming the goods on previous occasion.

The number and Price of substitute goods (competitive goods): The higher the price of substitute goods the higher will be the demand for this good as people switch from the substitutes.

The number and price of complimentary goods: The higher the price of complimentary ...

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