What do you believe to be the most important characteristic of an effective leader in the work situation?

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What do you believe to be the most important characteristic of an effective leader in the work situation?

        There are many important characteristics/qualities a leader must have. Some early investigation by Stogdill, 1974; House and Baetz, 1979, found that leaders tend to be higher than non-leaders on:

  • Intelligence
  • Dominance/need for power
  • Self-confidence
  • Energy/persistence
  • Knowledge of the task

Other important factors would be:

  • Personality
  • Must have interpersonal skills
  • Be a good communicator

Personality is an important characteristic of a leader, as a leader must get on with others as well as be authoritative, there are five main personality types:


  1. Extroversion-introversion: extroverts are lively, sociable.
  2. Neuroticism (i.e. emotional instability, anxiety): are characterised by high levels of anxiety and tension.
  3. Conscientiousness: are well organised, focus on targets, goals and deadlines.
  4. Agreeableness: these are good-natured, eager to co-operate with others and try to avoid conflict.
  5. Openness to experience: is related to a person’s tendency to be influenced by new experiences.
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(Digman and Takemoto-chock, 1981; McCrae and Costa, 1990)

        A good leader needs to be a good communicator. They need to be able to communicate well in a group as well as use the appropriate communication channels in the work environment. E.g. Vertical and lateral communication.

Ideally a good leader should have a good mixture of; extroversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness and openness to experience.

        Another important characteristic of a leader would be the style that he/she adopts; there are three main styles of leaders.

        An Autocratic style, this is where the leader sets the objectives, allocates tasks and ...

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