"Czar Nicholas II inherited not a throne but a revolution" Do you agree? Justify your answer.

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“Czar Nicholas II inherited not a throne but a revolution.” Do you agree? Justify your answer.

I partially agree with the statement that Czar Nicholas II inherited not a throne but a revolution. During the reign of Alexander III, discontent of people grew as a result of his repressive rule and policies. Peasants’ discontent grew because of the heavy redemption payments and land taxes, insufficient land and poor harvests. The discontent and economic hardship all passed to Czar Nicholas II. It is no doubt that when Nicholas II took over the Russian Empire, the familiar problems still existed, and some were even worse, such as the problem of peasantry. However, discontent alone could not turn to be a revolution. It was Nicholas II who made it a real one.

The first revolution broke out in 1905. The chaotic situation was somehow inherited from Alexander III. The peasantry problem was a traditional problem of Russia. It became worse when in Nicholas II’s time. The emancipation of serfs in 1861 liberated lots of peasants, but in turn they needed to pay redemption payments to their landlords and heavy land taxes to the government. However, due to poor harvests and insufficient farmland, the redemption payments and land taxes became a large burden of the peasants. As a result, discontent of peasants increased.

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In addition, the revolutionary activities had been generated in the 19th century. The Populists, the Liberals and the limited Marxists, they later increased their activities and even set up their own political party in late 19th and 20th century. Their opposition seemed to be suppressed, but in fact they were just went underground in Alexander III’s time. Their discontent were never stopped, it had been long generated. Only their discontent reached its climax during Nicholas II’s time, and this potential danger turned to be a revolution due to the Bloody Sunday Incident and the defeat in Russo-Japanese War.

The 1905 Revolution ...

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