In 1789 a change occurred in France that would alter her history for all time. The people overthrew the previously powerful French monarchy in a bitter revolt. How could this come to be?

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        In 1789 a change occurred in France that would alter her history for all time.  The people overthrew the previously powerful French monarchy in a bitter revolt.  How could this come to be? A monarchy, a way of ruling a nation, destroyed by revolution.  This desire for change clearly could not have taken place all at once.  Dissatisfaction at the state of affairs had to have existed for some time before this drastic measure before this fatal blow was dealt to the ancien regime of France.  ‘The sleep of reason produces nightmares.’  This was indeed true in France in the years leading up to the 1789 French Revolution.  New ideas, new ways of thinking in general were presented to the public consciousness by philosophers.  The late eighteenth century was a period of ‘European Enlightenment’.  The most published, most well known and the philosophers who were translated into the most languages, thus making them accessible to those outside their home country, were the French.  However, these progressive ideologies could not have transcended onto full scale revolution had it not been for underlying causes which had been gathering momentum in France in the period leading up to 1789.  

        The Bourbons who ruled France were descended from the Valois family line that had ruled France since it became a nation.  The kings of France were absolutist rulers.  The French army was directly responsible to the King, the nations debts were the king’s debts and the King could theoretically overrule any court or system of law in the land.  The King claimed a divine right to absolute rule and claimed this power from God, hence minimising any usurpation of his position.  “Most important of all there was no individual or institution in France with any right to override or control the actions of the king.”[1].  Louis XVI came to the French throne in 1774 and was the last ruler under the Ancien Regime in France.  The thirteen parlements, local judicial bodies, were the only possible check on Louis, who had restored the parlements on his accession to the throne following a three-year dissolution.  “The generation before the Revolution saw not only the opposition to royal power offered by the parlements…but a growth in criticism of the monarchical regime of a more fundamental and ultimately more dangerous kind.”[2].  The people were proposing a representative form of to the government to put their views and issues forward.  This was entirely radical in eighteenth century France.  

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        The aristocracy resented the absolute rule of the Bourbons.  Many of the noble families were wealthy and even related to the Bourbons and felt they did not get the appreciation for the part they play in maintaining the monarchical functions of the Bourbon family.  A new class also began to emerge in France at this time.  A middle class, made wealthy from trading, particularly overseas trading with the West Indies, and baking were town dwellers and became a powerful and numerous people in eighteenth century France.  They were known as the Bourgeoisie.  These people were neither nobles nor peasantry.  In ...

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