Medieval Medicine

Medieval civilisation

  • The Roman Empire had collapsed in the fifth century. The Empire had been under attack by a group called the “barbarians”.
  • After the collapse of the Roman Empire, there wasn’t a single government running, instead power lay in the hands of kings and chieftains who controlled the barbarian tribes.
  • Barbarians were warriors who loved fighting and warfare.
  • The new rulers did not look out for the health and welfare of the Romans like the Roman government had once done. Instead to them the job of a ruler was to fight!
  • When the barbarian tribes first arrived they were non-Christians, they worshipped their own gods. They soon converted to Christianity and the barbarians kings and chieftains relied upon the priests as they could read and write and were well educated.
  • This way the church stayed in power even when the rest of the Roman civilisation was falling apart!
  • The start of the medieval period is sometimes known as the Dark Ages.
  • After the barbarians took over there were several consequences for medicine: 1) Centres for the training of doctors disappeared.
    2) Roman public health systems collapsed
    3) Many of the important books of the Greeks and Romans were lost and destroyed.
  • There wasn’t a proper system for the training of the doctor and some people claimed to be doctors when they weren’t.
  • Throughout must of the barbarian empire, the Roman system sanitations had broken down. Public bath houses fell apart and aqueducts were no longer maintained. New barbarian rulers neither had the Roman technical knowledge nor the interest to keep these things in shape.
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Medieval Doctors

  • The collapse of the Roman Empire lead to a chaos in the west but in the Middle East followers of Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) established a new Islamic Empire. During the following centuries Islamic doctors made a huge contribution to medicine.
  • The success of the Islamic doctors depended entirely on the government, in those days the Islamic Empire was a single state run by one man called Caliph.
  • Many Caliphs were interested in science and during the reign on Caliph Harun –Al Rashid (AD786-609) a centre of translation was set up in Baghdad.        
  • He also set up ...

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