The partition of India

The British were in India from the early 17th century to the mid 20th century. Britain set itself into India due the East India Company, established on 31st December 1600 by Queen Elizabeth I, which was the beginning of a new era of trading. During the 17th century EIC built and established themselves within four cities in India they were Surat, Mumbai, Madras and Calcutta. Over the years the EIC became a monopoly for trading and became well reputable when it took over India. In this essay I am going to look at the reasoning for why India was partitioned and also look at the conflicts and aftermath due to the partitioning of India.

The foundation of the separation of India came from the continuous hatred between Muslims and Hindus and Sikhs.                  ‘Serious riots erupted between Hindus and Muslims around Patna in Bihar, in eastern India. These 1893 disorders, which led to Muslim deaths’ (Stein 1998) These riots were 8 years after the first meeting of the Congress 1885. The reasoning behind this was due to Hindus saving Cows from Muslim slaughter houses.

Another attributes of why India became separated in 1947 was due to the discontent in many states such as Punjab and Bengal. ‘Another reason for the growth of swadeshi sentiment among Punjabis was the increasing tension between Muslims (who were half the population in that province) and both Hindus and Sikhs’ (Stein 1998)

‘Hindu artisans and low-caste workers turned against Muslims and untouchables, using religion in a militant form to mobilize and protect their economic interests’ (Stein 1998)                                                                           Constant conflicts were on going through the late 1800’s early 1900’s.

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Mahatma Gandhi used non-violent protests to resist the British power for independence. One his most famous protest was the Salt March of 1930. The march started in March of 1930 from mid-Gujarat to the Arabian Sea at Dandi. The Protest was to destroy the state monopoly by collecting the salt for their own use.

Other causes for the separation of India were due to Mohammad Ali Jinnah. He was the president of the Muslim League. Jinnah demanded there be a separate Muslim country. In 1937 the mandate for this separate Muslim country failed to attain many votes however, in 1946 ...

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