Thucydides. hucydides draws sharp distinction between his work and that of his predecessors. He describes the care, which he took in ascertaining the truth about the events he writes of.

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Thucydides may be said to be one of the most highly regarded and respected historians of all time. His work perhaps having one of the most important influences on the writing and recording of history itself. Thucydides own ambition as a respected and unique writer are clear as he writes on himself “My work is not a piece of writing designed to meet the needs of an immediate public but was done to last forever”.  

During Thucydides time (c.460 - 400) as a writer it is thought that literacy was considered relatively new to the world. It was much more common to write poetically rather than on a historic basis and even so, most other historians such as Heredotus chose to focus on a narrative style of writing. Contrary to this Thucydides dedicates himself to a level of accuracy in his writing rather than merely telling a story. He gained enormous prestige over the centuries for this and his work was quickly established “classic”. His concern with objectivity exerted a strong influence on such later Greco-Roman historians as Polybius and Dio Cassius.

Thucydides highly regards the Peleponesian war as the greatest war in Greek History. He bases this on the belief that both rivals; Athens and Sparta were at their peak of power and preparedness just before the immediate cause of the war. Thucydides argues that the events, which he relates, command attention because they are the greatest in the history of the Greeks. He illustrates how much greater the Peloponnesian war was than any previous historical event in the Greek world and in this regard Thucydides accepts the theory that the magnitude of events determines their importance. By praising the events that Thucydides writes on as well as self-praise for his own actual work he him self sets a level of importance in his writing.

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Thucydides draws sharp distinction between his work and that of his predecessors.

He describes the care, which he took in ascertaining the truth about the events he writes of. He claims to have sought out the best possible source, not relying simply on the first informant or his own limited perspective. It is clear that this would have required a great deal of effort considering different people produced contradictory reconstructions of the same events. Another large part of Thucydides work is based on the many reconstructions of speeches from various orators. He highly regards his own work in this area ...

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