Was there a social or economic content to the political movements in the English Revolution?

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Mark Grainger

Was there a social or economic content to the political movements in the English Revolution?

The importance of the social context of the English Civil War is a much debated subject in the historiography of the early modern period.  There is little doubt that the period as a whole saw momentous changes in society, but the question remains as to whether these social developments contributed in any way, great or small, to the divisions that led to the English Revolution.   Few historians today would suggest that political or constitutional history can be studied in a ‘social vacuum’, but how far can economic or social factors be used to explain the causes of the English Civil War?

Among the first to ascribe social content to the historiography of the English Civil War were Marx and Engels, the latter creating a full-blown account pinning the English Revolution to the Marxist framework.  The nobles and gentry became ‘bourgeois landlords’ and the civil war was a ‘bourgeois revolution’, which stemmed from the tensions created by the emergence of capitalism in a feudal society.  The revolution was a straightforward conflict between the rising bourgeoisie and the declining feudal classes, and created a state in which the transformation from feudalism to capitalism could take place.

The idea that the supporters of Parliament in this period were a rising ‘class’ of progressive-minded capitalists, while the supporters of the King were old-fashioned and declining members of the feudal system is one that continued in the arguments even of non-Marxist historians.  R.H. Tawney expounded the view that due to differences in adaptability to rising prices, new agricultural techniques and commercial methods, the old-fashioned aristocracy, the crown and the peers, declined in wealth at the same time as the gentry prospered.  He backed up his theory by counting manors; noting the fall in manorial holdings of the aristocracy compared with the gentry between the mid sixteenth century and 1640, and the shift in size of these holdings from large to medium landowners.  This idea has received much criticism, with many denying that the gentry had risen at all; J.P. Cooper wrote an article discrediting the practice of counting manors as evidence indicating social mobility.   H.R. Trevor-Roper developed an almost diametrically opposing interpretation; he argued that the ‘mere gentry’ actually declined in this period, instead of the aristocracy, because of unfavourable economic conditions such as inflation.  Trevor-Roper’s argument is that the Civil War came as the declining ‘mere gentry’ rebelled against the court system, in order to gain a “share of the spoils”, while Tawney sees the origins of the revolution in the rising gentry attempting to attain new power in the political structure to correspond to their new economic power, against the opposition of the king and the aristocracy.  

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These ideas lead to an interpretation of the political movements in the English Revolution as almost exclusively based on economic motivations.  Allegiance to either Parliament or King is determined by some notion of ‘class’.   In his Reappraisals in History, J.H. Hexter criticises Tawney as ‘too Marxist’ and Trevor-Roper as too obsessed with these economic motivations at the expense of political motivations.  He draws attention to the fact that the gentry described by the two historians do not feature largely in the affairs of Parliament in the years before the Civil War, and those that did sit in the ...

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