What is the significance of Sulis Minerva for both Romans and the Celts?

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What is the significance of Sulis Minerva for both Romans and the Celts?




                                                                           BY Saori Yoshimoto 10 Bru            


         Both Rome and Britain had many religions, in which a selection of gods could be worshipped at many levels. At one end of the scale were the official cults of the emperor and the ‘Capitoline Triad Jupiter, Juno and Minerva’, linked to other Olympian gods like Mars. At the other end, every spring, every river, every crossroads, lake or wood had its own local spirit with its own local shrine. The Romans had no problem in combining these with their own gods, simply associating them with the god(s) or goddess (es) who most resembled them.

Bath is a big town of 84,200 inhabitants, on the River Avon. In the 1st century AD, the Celtic way of life faced a huge turning point, when the Romans conquered the British Isles. Yet even when they conquered the British Isles they did not force the Celtics to convert their beliefs and allowed them to continue respecting their gods. In fact after they arrived, the romans began to see a connection between the Celtic gods and the old roman gods. They also had similar beliefs in formless, vague spirits known as the “numina”. These made the Romans decidet to combine some of the roman and Celtic gods.

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The Romans discovered that there was a hot mineral spring. Yet, long before the Romans conquered the British Isles, the Celts found the hot springs coming from the ground. Linking spiritual significance to the site, the Celts dedicated it to their goddess Sullis-who was the goddess of reason and health- by building a temple. The Romans identified the Celtic goddess Sulis- worshipped by the Celts at this site- with their own goddess Minerva, who was often seen with weapons for her martial powers and an owl for wisdom. Thus, the shrine to the goddess Sulis-Minerva was built upon the ...

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