"For the Record": Images Creating a Theme.
"For the Record": Images Creating a Theme Figurative language can be used in poetry to communicate a specific theme. In "For the Record", poet Adrienne Rich arranges a variety of metaphors to organize the poem and enhance its meaning. She expresses a clear statement through personification, controlling and extended metaphors, and the structure of this figurative language. Rich discusses the relationship between mankind's suffering and his environment, declaring men and women solely responsible for the destruction of themselves and each other. It is their political corruption, neglect, and unjust actions that cause pain and devastation to people and the world around them. The blame of this created war is taken away from the natural and constructed environment. Reverse & Basic Personification The poet takes the metaphor concept of personification and uses it in two opposite ways. Elements of nature and the environment are attributed human qualities throughout the poem. For example, the second stanza reads, "If here or there a house... poisoned those who lived there with slow fumes over years" (Rich, lines 7-10). The vehicle of a house literally poisoning its inhabitants is a metaphor because it is clearly impossible. A house can not poison someone. The tenor suggests that a house is being filled with toxic fumes, possibly carbon monoxide, for whatever reason, and the people
"In view of Wordsworth's Claim for the importance to him of low and rustic life; estimate the effectiveness of those poems which deal with the life and character of country people."
English Literature - Wordsworth (Low and Rustics) "In view of Wordsworth's Claim for the importance to him of low and rustic life; estimate the effectiveness of those poems which deal with the life and character of country people." Wordsworth loves to write poetry about low and rustic characters that he has met. Three examples of such poems are, "The Old Cumberland Beggar", "Simon Lee, the Old Huntsman" and "Resolution And Independence". In all three of these poems Wordsworth makes a clear connection between the men involved and the nature surrounding them. I feel that this shows why these people countrymen have been so important to Wordsworth. Wordsworth loves nature, he is "At one with nature" and he actually describes these men as being part of the landscape. That they themselves are part of the countryside to which Wordsworth is so spiritually associated with. I think that Wordsworth is very successful at dealing with the characters of low and rustic country people as he has grown with them and has been around them all the time. He creates an almost mystical association between himself, the land and these men. I feel that the most important aspect of these poems and how they relate back to nature and naturalism is the vivid and beautiful use of description that Wordsworth successfully uses to describe and familiarise us with the three characters. Simon Lee is an old
"Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey" by: William Wordsworth
"Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey" by: William Wordsworth In Exploring Poetry of Gale Research states ""Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey" is a meditation upon memory, youth, nature, and human love."1 "Tintern Abbey" is very much so of what Exploring Poetry states but also a very profound poem about nature which is composed by William Wordsworth. He uses many in depth physical images of his favorite spot in nature, or his 'Tintern Abbey'. Five years have past; five summers, with the length Of five long winters! and again I hear These waters, rolling from their mountain-springs With a soft inland murmur.--Once again Do I behold these steep and lofty cliffs, That on a wild secluded scene impress Thoughts of more deep seclusion; and connect The landscape with the quiet of the sky. (Wordsworth lines 1-8) Although this intro into his poem contains many vivid images which are incredible, he introduces many other deeper meanings. Wordsworth presentations of deeper meanings are shown through three stages: first, revisiting the memories of nature mentally, second, the when you return to nature and your past selves in nature, and finally, sharing your experiences of nature with someone else. First, the speaker speaks very highly of revisiting his memories mentaly which nature has made available for him. These beauteous forms Through a long
"Love in Action," Thich Nhat Hanh and "The Monk in the lab," Tenzin Gyatso urge "The Human Family" (pg.548 Hanh) to realize the destructive way's of our society and to change the way we think about our world/nature. Both
Zachary Nichols English 1A Instructor Erin Sullivan February 9, 2006 Rough Draft 1 ( words) New Way of Thinking "Love in Action," Thich Nhat Hanh and "The Monk in the lab," Tenzin Gyatso urge "The Human Family" (pg.548 Hanh) to realize the destructive way's of our society and to change the way we think about our world/nature. Both authors argue that before we can make any changes on the big scale, we need to change the way we think individually. The writings powerfully put across the way we should individually think and act to preserve our lives, and all of nature in which we all co-exist interdependently. Hanh argues and repeats his main concepts to make sure readers fully grasp his theories. He states how the world is more and more economically driven and all the people who are separating from nature by economics are the ones that are insane and sick. "People who accumulate a house, a car, a position, and so forth, identify themselves with what they own, and they think that if they lose their house, their car, or their position, they would not be themselves," says Hahn (pg.546 Hahn). In actuality this seems to be relevant to modern times and labeling this insanity seems logical. Hahn adds to this stating argument that by "accumulating and saving, people have a false self, and in the process they have forgotten their truest and deepest self," (pg.546 Hahn). He wants
What are the differences between the humour in Aristophanes' "The Frogs" and "The Wasps"?
What are the differences between the humour in Aristophanes' "The Frogs" and "The Wasps"? Comedies were held on the second day of the major dramatic festival in Athens, the City Dionysia. Comedy was set in the contemporary; it was a collision of utopian dreams with the harsh political reality of the here and now, the comic characters acknowledged in the world of the audience whilst the comedy allowed all forms of transformation and escape. Aristophanic comedy is the only surviving evidence of the vibrant and vulgar humour that was Old Comedy. The two plays "The Wasps" and "The Frogs" are typical examples of Aristophanes' absurd humour in which insult was the celebratory core of classical comedy, they symbolise the freedom of speech allowed by democracy. However, although these plays both boast the comic convention of Old comedy, with its political satire and lively farcical qualities, their content and expression of the farce and satire is presented to the audience in an entirely different way. Traditionally, the costume was a central part of the slapstick comedy evident in Aristophanes' work. The actors were presented as short and fat with large and obscene padding on their front and behind. They wore masks, which portrayed exaggerated facial expressions, with large mouths and hugely distorted features. Portrait masks were also used which displayed the prominent
Rachel Carson, the author of "Obligation to Endure," claims that man isdestroying the earth by science, specifically by the use of chemicals
Rachel Carson, the author of "Obligation to Endure," claims that man is destroying the earth by science, specifically by the use of chemicals. Throughout Carson's essay, she points out "man's war against nature" (458); by using chemicals on, for example, crops to produce better agriculture, man has too much power and control over nature. Carson begins her claim by offering statements about how man has and is destroying the environment. She accuses man of "poisoning" nature through the use of chemicals. The chemicals are harmful, Carson says, "and pass mysteriously by underground streams until they emerge and, through the alchemy of air and sunlight, combine into new forms that kill vegetation, sicken cattle, and work unknown harm on those who drink from once pure wells" (457). Carson quotes Albert Schweitzer a physician who says, "man can hardly even recognize the devils of his own creation" (457). Carson gives the reader facts and details about these chemicals and how they eliminate not just the "bad" but also the "good" insects and plants for example, that may be effective in environmental growth. Carson believes that as man tries to eliminate unwanted insects and weeds, however he is actually causing more problems by polluting the environment with, for example, DDT and harming living things. Carson adds that the "intensification of
The supernatural in Coleridge's "The Rime of the Ancient mariner" & the uncanny in Hoffman's the "Sandman"
(TMA 05) Supernatural is often used interchangeably with preternatural or paranormal. It refers to conscious magical, religious or unknown forces that cannot ordinarily be perceived except through their effects. Unlike natural forces, these putative supernatural forces can not be shown to exist by the scientific method. Supernatural claims assert phenomena beyond the realm of current scientific understanding, which are often in direct conflict with current scientific theory. This essay will discuss the supernatural and uncanny as they have been recurrent themes among the romantic writing. The discussion will start by Hoffman's: "The Sandman". Then it will focus on Coleridge: "The Ancient Mariner" to specify the supernatural and uncanny elements in each of them. After that, there will be a comparison between the two, and how the different genres have a bearing on how the treatment of the topic differs. In Coleridge's poem "the Rime of the Ancient Mariner" the supernatural is obviously appeared. While the uncanny has appeared in Hoffman's the "Sandman". "Supernatural is an event consider as out of nature, something beyond human realization. Supernatural is Belonging or relating to or being phenomena that cannot be explained by the laws of nature or physics. Whereas Uncanny '' has to do with a sense of strangeness, mystery or eeriness. More particularly it concerns a sense
Write as much as you can on the idea of nature and its relationship to art and poetry in 'A Skylark'.
Write as much as you can on the idea of nature and its relationship to art and poetry in 'A Skylark'. In Percy Shelley's 'A Skylark' nature is used to represent an omnipotent and enlightened force that is above everything on earth in every sense. Shelley specifically uses a Skylark to bring across his message of something that is free of desire and void of care showing there to be a strong relationship between nature and art. The reason for this is that Shelley is writing about something that humans do not feel, 'Waking or asleep, Thou of death must deem, Things more true and deep Than we mortals dream,' therefore to get the powerful image of total harmony across Shelley has to use an equally powerful image that the reader can relate too. This comes from nature; nature itself is a mysterious and somewhat unknown force, perfect for illustrating something that is also mysterious and unknown. The Skylark is natures representative, a bird that carries a certain aura due to it rarely being seen yet being heard so clearly, 'And singing still dost soar, and soaring ever singest,' and 'Thou art unseen, yet I hear they shrill delight,' The alliteration in the first quote is a cleverly emphasized illustration of the birds majestical ability to soar so high and yet still be heard. This firmly establishes early on in the poem the mystery that the skylark projects and later enables
Illustrate and explain how different poets make use of the traditional imagery of nature in a range of poems you have studied.
GCSE English Literature Coursework Comparative Study Tradition in the Literary Heritage Illustrate and explain how different poets make use of the traditional imagery of nature in a range of poems you have studied. Nature is usually seen as a positive and good thing of the Earth. It is something that is opposite to humans, opposite to cities, opposite to technology and the modern, computer run world. It is normally seen as peaceful. But nature is also used to describe bad disasters which are neither caused by man, nor preventable by man. It is a force which cannot be controlled by humans, it is untameable, and for example earthquakes, tsunamis and hurricanes are all known as 'natural disasters'. These also are referred to as 'mother nature', as if nature is alive. Nature is also used a lot to describe both good and bad sides of a persons personality. The term 'human nature' has two completely different meanings, good and bad. Human nature can be generous, loving and caring, but also carries a second meaning, selfish, competitive and evil. Nature has been used by many poets and authors as a source of inspiration and symbolism. Nature's symbols and images have been used to express a range of ideas. The theme of nature can be used to help describe human behaviour and emotions, and as a source of inspiration to help draw ideas and help develop them in the poets mind. The
Show how Freud impacted on writing of the 20th century with reference to one novel
ASPECTS OF THE HISTORY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE III: 1800 TO THE PRESENT DAY. STUDENT ID: 0400077 Show how Freud impacted on writing of the 20th century with reference to one novel. William Golding wrote of his novel "Lord of the Flies" that the theme was an attempt to explore how the defects society are based largely on human nature rather than the structure of civilization. Golding used "Lord of the Flies" to allegorically explain that the architecture of a society depends on the morality of the individual rather than a social or political construction, regardless of its inherent merit or esteem. Golding very carefully and cleverly used children as characters portraying the human race. Traditionally, children are seen as immature and dismissible; they are commonly seen as almost less than human because of their underdeveloped physique and mental capacity. While traditionalists may see it as a poor example, Golding counters that children are fundamentally more representative of human nature. Rather than being oversaturated with societal norms and tendencies like adults, children are original in their desires and thought processes. The children find themselves trapped on an island, isolated from society and civilisation. It is an island sufficient for their survival; there is plenty of fruit and nuts for their consumption, and they are free from predation. And it is in