Henry V - "Small time, but in that small most greatly lived this star of England."

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“Small time, but in that small most greatly lived this star of England.”

        In Henry V, the king is referred to as the star of England. I think that this is because he was seen as a leading light and that many great things were done by him. When thinking of a star, it also gives a sense of security to know that something so great is watching over you. Henry referred to as a star, can also give the sense of being distant, but he definitely didn’t believe that he was unapproachable however tried to be as welcoming and as amicable as possible.

        So, what made Henry such a good ruler? Well, in this play, Shakespeare proposes that the qualities that define a good ruler aren’t necessarily the qualities that define a good person. Henry is an extraordinary leader seeing as he is extremely educated, focused and regularly inspires his men. Also, he would use any and all of his resources to his disposal to achieve his goals. Henry’s inter personal skills are outstanding in how he is able to connect to his individuals and to motivate them in achieving his goals thereby making him an excellent king. By inspiring his men to win the Battle of Agincourt despite overwhelming odds, Henry achieves heroic status.        

        Due to Henry’s upbringing which was somewhat wild and had a common touch to it, it taught him many things such as communication with his fellow comrades and other useful social skills. But with the death of his father (Henry IV) pending, Henry realised that with his behaviour, he didn’t have a way forward as a Monarch. At which point, Henry started to get into gear as Canterbury says within lines 24 - 36 in Act 1 Scene 1.

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“The causes of his youth promised it not.

  The breath no sooner left his father’s body

  But that his wildness, mortified in him,

  Seemed to die too.    


  Leaving his body as a paradise”

And also in lined 60 – 63 where Henry’s nurture was given a more pictorial image by Ely

“The strawberry grows underneath the nettle,

  And wholesome berries thrive and ripen best

  Neighboured by fruit of baser quality”

        Shakespeare uses what I believe to be a very good metaphor describing the ambience that ...

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