Illustrate the Significance of the 'Night' sections in the 'Handmaid's Tale'

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By Louise Fell

Illustrate the Significance of the 'Night' sections in the 'Handmaid's Tale'

The chapters in the Handmaids Tale are named after an event or a time that is relevant to Offreds situation as the story progresses. The sections called 'Night' are very important chapters in the novel because this signifies the time when Offred is alone and silent remembering her vivid memories of her past. It is only at night that Offred chooses to remember her past because she is by herself, quiet and in her own personal territory. She feels that this is the only time she is totally cut off from the oppressive society and regime that she is living in. As a day ends and Offreds bedroom door closes, it is then that her mind wanders her sea of memories and feels at one with herself. Offreds mind holds precious memories of her past life and former self. They also give the reader information about her family background, her relationship with Luke and escaping over the border to get away from the rapidly changing society.

The Night sections are extremely significant in the novel, not for just explaining Offreds past and current situations, they also show how oppressive the society in Gilead must be. For Offred to feel too on edge to remember her memories in the day time or when she and Offglen do daily walks to collect groceries, shows that Offreds mind is constantly buzzing with a fear of some sort or other of the current society. When Offred became a handmaid, she was stripped of her identity and everything that made her who she was, so for her only choosing to remember her memories at night, is displaying that she does not want to be robbed of her past in her head by the society that took everything else from her. Only when her bedroom door is shut it is safe that she cannot have her memories snatched from her.
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The Night sections not only show the reader the type of society Gilead is, it also gives us a lot of information on Offreds personality. We know from reading the night chapters that Offred was and is quite a determined character deep down. We know that she is sensitive because when remembering her memories, she frequently has to stop telling the reader what happens next because she finds them too painful to remember. This also conveys to the reader that Offred may be slightly nostalgic about her past, but stops herself remembering too much.

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