Is it true that early Greek Philosophers discovered nature?
Is it true that early Greek Philosophers discovered nature?
Greek philosophers where the first people in the West to discover and explore nature in a rationalised way. They made educated guesses about the creation of the world and also the creation of the universe. Greece is often referred to as the birthplace of Western Culture, and this explains why.
Some of the ancient Philosophers have successfully predicted findings of twentieth century science. The concept of atoms, for example, was first formulated by Leucippus and Democritus, this was around 400 BC. Since then, Greek thought and values have been tremendously influential throughout centuries and has lasted to the present day which we live in.
This essay will argue that the Greek philosophers indeed discovered nature. It will claim firstly, about how Thales could predict the times of eclipse, he also argues that the origin of all matter is water. Secondly it will show Anaxamander who lived after Thales and what his beliefs where relating to the four elements (air, water, earth, and wind). Then It will discuss Anaxamenses who talks of the four elements that Anaxamander had discussed. This is interesting as it gives us another point of view on the same topic from another Philosopher. It will also claim that Empedocles was the first philosopher to claim that these elements were primordial. This essay will go into depth about Empedocles book "On Nature". Lastly, Anaxagoras was another philosopher who discussed and observed vortexes and spiral phenomenon in nature which fixated him, he is discussed in this essay as he questioned a lot about our planet and the atmosphere around us.
I do believe that nature was discovered by Greek Philosophers. It is easy to back this information up when you have the likes of Thales (Miletus) 624-546 BC, who believed that "The origin of all matter is water". This statement of Thales is close to the truth however. It is known to us that the largest constituent of the universe is hydrogen which makes two of the three atoms in water (H2O).The missing oxygen atom was added later when our planet formed. We comprehend that the first life forms flourished in the oceans, so therefore water is indeed a primordial substance. In Thales time he was not the only one who thought ahead of his time. For example, the idea that, all forms of substances can be reduced to a few elements and that every form of matter are made of these elements. This is a Greek conception that was conceived around the time of Thales. Personally I think it is scientific but also deals with the nature aspect that is obvious when we talk about "elements". This can refer to nature, as everything is a "form", whether it be a plant (growing thing) or a river.
Greek philosophers where the first people in the West to discover and explore nature in a rationalised way. They made educated guesses about the creation of the world and also the creation of the universe. Greece is often referred to as the birthplace of Western Culture, and this explains why.
Some of the ancient Philosophers have successfully predicted findings of twentieth century science. The concept of atoms, for example, was first formulated by Leucippus and Democritus, this was around 400 BC. Since then, Greek thought and values have been tremendously influential throughout centuries and has lasted to the present day which we live in.
This essay will argue that the Greek philosophers indeed discovered nature. It will claim firstly, about how Thales could predict the times of eclipse, he also argues that the origin of all matter is water. Secondly it will show Anaxamander who lived after Thales and what his beliefs where relating to the four elements (air, water, earth, and wind). Then It will discuss Anaxamenses who talks of the four elements that Anaxamander had discussed. This is interesting as it gives us another point of view on the same topic from another Philosopher. It will also claim that Empedocles was the first philosopher to claim that these elements were primordial. This essay will go into depth about Empedocles book "On Nature". Lastly, Anaxagoras was another philosopher who discussed and observed vortexes and spiral phenomenon in nature which fixated him, he is discussed in this essay as he questioned a lot about our planet and the atmosphere around us.
I do believe that nature was discovered by Greek Philosophers. It is easy to back this information up when you have the likes of Thales (Miletus) 624-546 BC, who believed that "The origin of all matter is water". This statement of Thales is close to the truth however. It is known to us that the largest constituent of the universe is hydrogen which makes two of the three atoms in water (H2O).The missing oxygen atom was added later when our planet formed. We comprehend that the first life forms flourished in the oceans, so therefore water is indeed a primordial substance. In Thales time he was not the only one who thought ahead of his time. For example, the idea that, all forms of substances can be reduced to a few elements and that every form of matter are made of these elements. This is a Greek conception that was conceived around the time of Thales. Personally I think it is scientific but also deals with the nature aspect that is obvious when we talk about "elements". This can refer to nature, as everything is a "form", whether it be a plant (growing thing) or a river.