Thermal Regulation and acclimatization.

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Adapted from:  Haymes EM, Wells CL.  Environment and Human Performance.  Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics; 1986.  Reference List available upon request.

Thermal Regulation in the Human Organism

Ecology is the branch of biology that deals with the relations between living organisms and their environments. Today, it is widely recognized that an organism is at the center of an ecosystem. As such, it is influenced by a multitude of physical and biological environmental factors. It is the essence of living things to be part of an ecosystem and yet to be capable of resisting, to some extent, the impact of the environment (Prosser, 1964).

Organisms progress in complexity from a clump of cells that must closely conform to the conditions of their environment to more highly organized accumulations of soft tissues and organs that are capable of independent action. No organism's internal composition is exactly similar to its environment. Regulating organisms are capable of maintaining a relatively constant internal condition (homeostasis) despite widely fluctuating environmental conditions. The internal conditions of conforming organisms, on the other hand, are more closely restricted to the conditions of the surrounding environment.

The human is an excellent example of a regulating organism that is able to maintain a relatively constant internal temperature when exposed to a wide range of environmental conditions. Because of this ability, the human is referred to as a homeotherm, or warm-blooded animal, rather than as a poikilotherm, or cold-blooded animal. Regulating organisms are generally capable of living in more widely divergent environments (ecosystems) than organisms that conform to their environments. The limits of survival for the organism are defined in terms of its environment. Because the organism conforms closely to its environment, it cannot survive extreme variations in that environment. In general, the range of internal variation tolerable to a conforming organism is somewhat greater than for a regulating organism (Prosser, 1964). Regulating organisms do not conform to its environment but instead is capable of regulating its internal environment. As such, the regulating organism, which has a narrower internal variation, is able to survive in a wider environmental range.

The temperature of the human body oscillates in a more or less regular pattern around an average value of 37 °C/98.6 °F. Deep internal organs that are highly active metabolically-such as the heart, brain, liver, and kidney-have much higher temperatures than peripheral tissues. With strenuous muscular exertion, muscle temperatures rise, blood flow patterns change, and excess metabolic heat is distributed more extensively throughout the body. Body surface temperatures vary widely depending on such factors as metabolic heat load, subcutaneous blood flow patterns, ambient temperature, radiant heat load, secretion of sweat, convective air currents about the body, and relative humidity of the air. All these variables play a role in regulating body core temperature within a rather narrow range. A deep body core temperature of 41 °C (106 °F) is often fatal, but 42 °C (107.6 °F) has been tolerated for a few hours (Folk, 1974, p. 218).  Heavy physical exercise has been known to elevate body core temperatures to about 40 °C (104 °F). The lowest core temperature recorded was 17.7 °C (64 °F), with a respiration rate of three breaths per minute (Folk, 1974, p. 135).

Mechanisms of Temperature Regulation

        In humans, thermal regulation is apparently under the control of the hypothalamus. Sometimes referred to as the human thermostat, this organ is located just superior to the optic nerve at the base of the brain stem.  The hypothalamus is thought of as the master gland of the body. In the case of temperature regulation , it acts as a thermal sensor, an integrator of information from other locations in the body, and as a controller of various effector mechanisms, which are always ready to either increase or decrease the body’s ability to conserve or dissipate heat.  The hypothalamus senses the temperature of the blood flowing through it and possible receives information from other parts of the body.

        The exact role of extrahypothalamic thermal receptor organs is controversial.  Deep core receptors have been postulated but not verified in humans. Warm and cold receptors have been located in skin tissue, but there is no agreement as to their role in thermoregulation.  It is possible that these receptors send information to the conscious areas of the brain to tell us about our skin temperatures but that they play a relatively unimportant role in thermoregulation. There may also be peripheral temperature receptors in the deep veins that drain the musculature.

The integrative function of the hypothalamus is thought to compare sensed information with set-point temperature like an electrical thermostat. If this integrated information reveals that the body temperature is above the set-point, then neural discharge from the anterior area of the hypothalamus is increased and effector mechanisms that help dissipated heat from the tissues such as vasodilation and sweating are initiated.

        The principle question about this theoretical model is: What sets the set-point? The answer is enigmatic. Fever disrupts the normal set-point as a pyrogen (viral or bacterial agent) affects the hypothalamus such that the set-point is elevated above its usual range. Antipyrogenic agents such as aspirin restore the normal set-point by destroying or inhibiting the pyrogen.

        The hypothalamic set-point is not an absolute constant; it may change under many physiological and environmental conditions. For example, diurnal (day to night) and menstrual (follicular to luteal phase) variations are observed.  A prominent pattern I s a low early morning and high late afternoon pattern.  This corresponds to the usual light-dark cycle and the usual patterns of metabolic activity. Women have a slightly higher core temperature during the second half of the monthly menstrual cycle. This elevation in temperature may be due to the anabolic effects of progesterone, but the exact mechanism, is unknown.

Before examining the physiological role of the effector mechanisms in body temperature regulation, we will discuss the physical avenues of heat exchange. These are the physical processes by which heat can be transferred or transported from one tissue to another, from one space to another, from the environment to the body, or conversely, from the body to the environment.

Avenues of Heat Exchange

Thermal balance can best be understood by the law of conservation of energy. Simply, this law states that for a system to be in thermal balance, all avenues of heat gain or loss must quantitatively balance to zero.

M + S – E + Co + Cv + R + W = 0 or thermal balance

Sources of heat loss or gain:

M= metabolic heat production

S = thermal state of body (storage)

E = evaporative heat loss

Co = conduction (loss or gain)

Cv = convection

R = radiation

W = work

When balanced, all should equal zero

Metabolic Heat Production

Metabolic heat production (M) is the body's only means of heat production and as such is really not an avenue of heat exchange. It is the total energy released by all anaerobic and aerobic processes and is most often determined by measuring oxygen uptake, calculating the respiratory exchange ratio, and multiplying by the appropriate kilocalorie factor for consumed oxygen. Metabolic heat production can be elevated voluntarily by exercise and involuntarily by shivering. Some persons can lower their metabolic heat production by entering a deep meditative state, but most of us have not developed our capacity to do so.


Radiation (R) is the exchange of electromagnetic energy waves emitted from one object and absorbed by another. The solar heat gain on a clear summer day is the most obvious example of radiant heat exchange. Another example is the loss of heat from the earth on a clear cool night. Globe temperature is often used to measure radiant temperature. A 6-in diameter copper sphere painted flat black is suspended with a thermometer sealed inside so that the sensory section is located exactly in the center. The black globe represents an "ideal black body," which is an object that absorbs all the radiation that falls on it. The emittance of a black body is by definition equal to 1 in all temperatures. The emittance of a non-black body varies with temperature. The human body is very close to an ideal black body, because it absorbs nearly all the radiation that falls on it. For that reason it is a good idea to be lightly but fully clothed when directly exposed to sunlight. Clothed individuals sitting in the sun gain only about half as much: heat as unclothed persons. Desert clothing has traditionally been white, which reflects more heat and absorbs less heat than does the skin or dark-colored clothing. Skin color has been reported to affect the amount of solar radiation absorbed. White skin reflects 30% to 45% of the solar radiation of the visible and ultraviolet ranges of the spectrum, whereas black skin reflects less than 1.9% of these rays (Frisan-cho, 1979, p. 14). The surface of a substance also affects its ability to reflect or absorb heat. Smooth surfaces absorb more heat than; do rough surfaces. These factors are reflected in the Stefan-Boltzmann constant in the formula. The effective radiating surface area of a person standing with arms and legs spread is approximately 85% of the total skin area. In the sitting position, it is approximately 70% to 75% of  the total body surface area.


Conduction (K) of heat occurs whenever two surfaces with differing temperatures are in direct contact. The transfer of heat energy from one substance to another is directly related to the difference in temperature between the two (the thermal gradient or ∆T). It is also a direct function of the thermal conductivity (k) of each substance. Conductors are substances that conduct heat readily. Insulators (nonconductors) are substances that do not conduct heat readily. Metals are good conductors, whereas nonmetals are better insulators. Still air is an excellent insulator, whereas water is an excellent conductor. This explains why a naked body experiences greater thermal stress in 10°C (50°F) water than in 10°C air. Fat tissue is a better insulator than muscle tissues. Therefore, a fatter person loses less heat when immersed in cold water than a leaner subject. The rate of conductive heat exchange is inversely related to the thickness of the insulating substance. This is why the thick layer of still air trapped in goose down clothing is so effective in cold weather and why the layer principle of dressing for the cold is advocated. Conductive heat loss represents only a small percentage of the total heat exchange between the body and the environment. Thus, conduction is usually not considered separately but is discussed in conjunction with radiation and convection. The area of skin contact with external objects is usually small, and people usually avoid direct contact with highly conductive materials. However, body heat is conducted from skin to clothing. When body heat reaches the clothing, it is dissipated from the outer clothing surfaces by evaporation, convection, or radiation depending on the vapor pressure, air movement, and the skin-clothing-ambient temperature gradients.


Convection (C) or convection heat exchange requires that one of the media be moving, as occurs with a fluid or gaseous medium. This is referred to as a convective current. Heat is transported by a stream of molecules from a warm object toward a cooler object. The coefficient of convective heat transfer is a function of the convective current, the viscosity and density of the medium, and the thermal conductivity of the substances involved. Convection is directly related to the temperature gradient between the substances as well as to the effective convective surface area and surface coefficient at each boundary layer. An example of convective heat exchange is the devastating effect of high winds on a cool day (wind chill factor). Convective heat exchange occurs within the human body as well. When warmed blood from metabolically active areas of the body flows past cooled blood from the periphery of the body, the warmed blood is cooled, and the cooled blood is warmed. This is known as countercurrent heat exchange. This phenomenon can become complicated during exercise. The most common exchange of body heat by convection begins with heat conduction from a warm body to surrounding air molecules. The heated air expands, becomes less dense, and rises-taking heat with it. The area immediately adjacent to the skin is then replaced by cooler, denser air, and the process is repeated.


Evaporation (E) occurs when water changes from a liquid to a gas. For this to happen, heat must be supplied (note that heat can never be gained via evaporation and hence the sign is always negative). The thermal energy required is called the latent heat of vaporization and equals 580 calories per gram of distilled-deionized water. For human sweat this value is lower because of electrolytes in the fluid. Evaporative heat loss is directly related to the heat of vaporization and to the amount of liquid vaporized (evaporated). In the human body, evaporative heat losses occur as a result of insensible perspiration (diffusion of water through the skin), thermal and non-thermal (nervous) sweating, and, water losses from the respiratory tract during respiration. A man at rest who is comfortably warm loses water from his respiratory tract and by insensible perspiration at a rate of about 30 g/hr (Carlson & Hsieh, 1974, p. 63). Higher respiratory rates or very low relative humidity may significantly increase this value. High environmental temperatures and/or strenuous exercise may result in thermal sweating rates as high as 1.5 to 2.0 L/hr.

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Evaporative heat losses from the respiratory tract are usually not significant. However, under such conditions as high altitude and/or extremely cold and dry air, evaporative heat losses from respiration can become physiologically significant. The density of saturated air varies with temperature. Relative humidity is a function of how much water the air can hold at a given environmental temperature. Everyone knows that evaporation is very slow in areas of high relative humidity. That is why hot, humid environments are so much more stressful than hot, dry environments. Evaporative heat losses from the skin surface depend primarily on three factors. One ...

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