The democratic deficit can be closed by simply extending the powers of the European Parliament

CANDIDATE'S NAME: David Alexander Ruddock STUDENT NUMBER: 0702621 MODULE CODE: EU4602 MODULE TITLE: Policies and Politics of the European Union SEMINAR TUTOR: Frankie Asare-Donkoh ESSAY TITLE / COURSEWORK ASSIGNMENT: 'The democratic deficit can be closed simply by extending the powers of the European Parliament.' Do you agree? WORD COUNT: 2000 DATE SUBMITTED: 08/12/2008 PLAGIARISM STATEMENT: I declare that the work submitted is entirely my own. 'The democratic deficit can be closed simply by extending the powers of the European Parliament.' Do you agree? There are many different definitions of what the democratic deficit is, and in fact on whether or not there even is such a thing as a democratic deficit in the European Union to be able to give a definitive definition of it. European Union scholars Majone and Moravcsik believe there is a credibility crisis not a democratic deficit. A working definition for the purpose of this essay is, 'the democratic void, perceived or real, between citizens of the EU, and the EU institutions that govern them, where decisions are made by non-elected institutions which are based not on public will, but by a bureaucratic elite in Brussels, accentuated by the limited power of the European Parliament.' The idea of solving the problem by simply granting the European Parliament with more power is an attractive one, and one that has

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  • Word count: 2629
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Miscellaneous
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Is conflict inevitable on a Construction Project

CONFLICT AND DISPUTE ARE INEVITABLE ON A PROJECT INTRODUCTION Conflicts as well as Dispute are for sure inevitable in most of the commercial projects whether big or small. To be precise, Conflict and Dispute is always there, not only in commercial projects but are a part of our daily life. There is always a conflict going on; on as big as on an international level like ongoing dispute between Israel and Palestine to small issues like a husband and wife having a confrontation as where to go out for dinner. Conflict in simple words can be defined as a disagreement over a situation between two or more parties/individuals where they have there own vested interests. Conflict is short termed and is easy to resolve, while on the other hand, dispute is when it becomes deep-rooted and none of the parties seems to be able to reach an agreement. Conflict can be resolved easily while on the other hand there is a need for a third party intervention to resolve a dispute, which itself is time-consuming, expensive and unpleasant. In other words, we can say that conflict can be managed, but to an extent of preventing it. If not, it leads to dispute. CLASSIFICATION OF CONFLICT Conflict can further be classified as Functional and Dysfunctional, depending on the outcome. Earlier, scholars believed that conflict is a bad thing and should be avoided at all costs, but this was contradicted by

  • Word count: 2385
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Miscellaneous
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A Critical view on the challenges tourism is facing today on the Costa del Sol

A Critical view on the challenges tourism is facing today on the Costa del Sol by Uwe Klein Introduction Brief historical background to the tourism development on the Costa del Sol Spain was one of the fist countries in the world to experience mass tourism. Its visitor number exceeded the 60 million mark in the early 21st century. Spain, always known for its historical sites and unique cultural features, which magnetised visitors from all over and dates back as far as 1920's with the first regular visitors on the Costa del Sol, where the rest of Spain took a mere 30 years longer to engage in tourism. Fewer than 1 million tourists were estimated in the 1950's but with a steady incline of numbers reaching the 34 million in 1973 and around 50 million in 1987. (Ministerio del Portavoz del Gobierno, Spain, 1989, Madrid) "Spain has achieved outstanding success as one of the world's top 5 destinations and can offer well over 1 million bed spaces in serviced accommodation alone". (Boniface, B. & Cooper, C., 2005) The tourism boom had a significant impact on the Spanish economy: It not only created new employment, it also enriched the country with its foreign exchange and high capital investments into the many resort and hotel developments. It seemed at certain times that everything was possible and efforts and recourses being diverted from stabile economic activities to a

  • Word count: 2955
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Miscellaneous
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Plagiarism at English-speaking tertiary institution is not a crime that students intentionally commit; instead it is merely inappropriate behavior that occurs as a result of imperfect understandings of academic cultural conventions. Discuss the ab

"Plagiarism at English-speaking tertiary institution is not a crime that students intentionally commit; instead it is merely inappropriate behavior that occurs as a result of imperfect understandings of academic cultural conventions". Discuss the above assertion, and suggest how plagiarism can best be minimized. Recently, in the generation of high technology and science, particularly internet and its obtainable data, plagiarism has become a frequent feature in student writing and academics need a strong set of plans and methods for dealing with this problem (Nelson 2002:1). Plagiarism is dishonest use or copying from someone else's ideas, language or thoughts as if they were your own, without acknowledging the source (Wikipedia, April 2007). According to Hubbuch (1982:161) much plagiarism is unintentional and most of students do not plagiarize cautiously, actually the main reason is the students do not know how to use source properly or they do not know anything about proper acknowledgement of the source. This essay will argue about how plagiarism can be minimized. The following items are examples of plagiarism, considered as a crime from the lowest to serious offences: "Sham paraphrasing": Substance and material copied word for word from the text and source acknowledged but represented as restated and paraphrased. "Illicit paraphrasing": Substance and material restated

  • Word count: 859
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Miscellaneous
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" 'The law may protect disabled children's and young people's rights but it does not necessarily promote their inclusion in society.' Critically evaluate this statement.

TMA 04 Option 1 " 'The law may protect disabled children's and young people's rights but it does not necessarily promote their inclusion in society.' Critically evaluate this statement. In striving to express what I feel the term disability means, I have looked at two options. The first is the dictionary definition. After trawling various online dictionaries and finding some surprising wordings, The Cambridge Dictionary definition was the one I felt was the most appropriate - "an illness, injury or condition that makes it difficult for someone to do the things that other people do". What was also interesting was their examples of use of the word in sentences - "She is deaf, but refuses to let her disability prevent her from doing what she wants to do." and "Trying to change attitudes to disability is an uphill struggle." The second option was to look at what disability meant to me as a disabled person, and I could not express myself better than above. However, this proved to me that how the term is viewed is very much in the eye of the individual, so when it comes to research, the researcher has a great deal of differing factors to consider, In this assignment, I will look at the subject of disability regards children and young people and highlight just some of the problems that can occur whilst growing up. As having a disability can make social

  • Word count: 2254
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Miscellaneous
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"'A fully ethical study would mean that all ethical issues are fully resolved.' To what

TMA 02 Option 2 "'A fully ethical study would mean that all ethical issues are fully resolved.' To what extent do you think this is possible when conducting research with children and young people? Illustrate your answer with reference to Units 5-9." Ethics are very much a part of everyday life, with us all having a certain set of morals and values we live by. It therefore makes sense that ethics should play a major part in any research, be it with adults or children. This ensures that the utmost care and consideration is taken regards those involved. However, when it comes to children and young people, the researcher has to further consider the fact that those whom they are researching, may not be fully aware of the implications, and the effect that research may have. Of course, as each person is different in what they interpret as 'ethical', we can expect to encounter differing attitudes and methods being used, but as society as a whole becomes more responsible, and research findings become more and more accessible to the masses, it is important to ensure that as many ethical issues as possible are resolved. As the course progresses, I find myself becoming increasingly aware of the sheer volume of research appears in the press, and is, therefore, being undertaken every day. In a recent Channel five documentary, 'Extraordinary People', in an

  • Word count: 2481
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Miscellaneous
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Intermolecular Forces-The Relationships Between Physical Properties and Structure

CHEM 111 February 18, 2010 General Chemistry II Spring Semester 2010 Expt. #16: Intermolecular Forces-The Relationships Between Physical Properties and Structure Part A: Relative Volatilities of Samples Part B: Relative Viscosities of Materials Part C: Mutual Solubilities of Liquids Part D: Solubilities of Solids in Liquids Introduction The purpose of this experiment was to examine the relationships of intermolecular forces between various molecules and to test their physical properties such as, volatility, viscosity, miscibility, and solubility. In Part A of this experiment the volatility of seven different compounds was tested by placing single drops of each compounds on a microscope slide. Then, by gently fanning across the surface of the compounds, we recorded which evaporated most quickly. The compound that evaporated the quickest is said to be most volatile or have a high vapor pressure. The slowest evaporating compound would be considered the least volatile and have a lower vapor pressure. In Part B of this experiment the viscosity of n-hexane, glycerol, and deionized water at room temperature were tested. Their viscosities were then test again after they had been heated in boiling water on a hot plate. Viscosity is a measure of a liquids resistance to flow. A liquid with high viscosity is thick and move slowly. During Part C in experiment 16 the miscibility

  • Word count: 1200
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Miscellaneous
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judaism,christianity, and islam

Nastasia Garcia Comparative Religions 0/29/08 Midterm paper Judaism, Christianity, and Islam The human race has developed many forms of religious belief. In so many ways, a person's faith seems to be a matter of opinion. However, it should not be surprising that this is a way of life. Humanity consists of many groups of people, and each group will have its own perspective and beliefs about philosophical and theological subjects. If we understand something concerning the wide variety of faiths in the world, we will have learned something about the diverse cultures and societies of this world The study of comparative religion is of tremendous importance for this reason. There is no one way or right way to think in this humanity The truth of the matter is that the world's religions reflect the multitudinous ways in which human beings think. Judaism Ninian Smart points out the following concerning Judaism and its beliefs: It is now time to turn to Israelite history, which provided materials, especially as written up in the various books of the Bible, which continued to have religious significance long after the societies which they reflected had ceased to exist. It is worth noting, too, that through Judaism, Christianity, and Islam project themselves back in time to Abraham and to the religion of the Israelites--so that it is tempting to think, for instance, of

  • Word count: 1980
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Miscellaneous
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A Pesquisa de Marketing e a tomada de deciso.

A PESQUISA DE MARKETING E A TOMADA DE DECISÕES NAS ORGANIZAÇÕES Helder Haddad Carneiro da Silva RESUMO O presente artigo tem a pretensão de iniciar a discussão que visa a estabelecer a possível relação entre a tomada de decisões na pesquisa de marketing e algumas das teorias sobre o estudo do processo decisório nas organizações. O artigo estabelece o papel da pesquisa de marketing dentro da administração de marketing, os princípios que regem o processo de pesquisa de marketing, os níveis hierárquicos que são envolvidos pelo processo de pesquisa de marketing (estratégico, gerencial e operacional) e as etapas formais que devem ser cumpridas para o seu desenvolvimento (reconhecimento de um problema, planejamento, execução e comunicação dos resultados). Partindo dessa base conceitual, o artigo discorre brevemente sobre cada ponto abordado, fazendo uma comparação da tomada de decisão na pesquisa de marketing com o tema da decisão nas organizações, a partir das perspectivas da racionalidade limitada (bounded racionality), da decisão do modelo "lata de lixo" e da questão do poder nas organizações. _______________________________ O exercício da administração de marketing compreende a tomada de decisões que envolve as quatro funções da administração: planejamento, organização, direção e controle. Especificamente a função de

  • Word count: 2792
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Miscellaneous
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Relationship between Inflation and Unemployment

Table of Contents .0 Introduction................................................................................................2 2.0 Model Specification.......................................................................................3 3.0 Test for Stationarity......................................................................................4 4.0 Regression Results.......................................................................................5 5.0 Testing for Serial Correlation...........................................................................6 6.0 VIF Test....................................................................................................6 7.0 OV Test....................................................................................................7 8.0 Test for Cointegration....................................................................................7 8.1 Choice of Optimal Lag..............................................................................8 8.2 Johansen Test......................................................................................8 9.0 Vector Error Correction Model.........................................................................9 0.0 Granger Causality Test.............................................................................11 0.1 Strong Granger Causality

  • Word count: 4089
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Miscellaneous
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