Drawing on what you have learnt from the making social lives DVD and Learning Companion 1 outline how material things on City Road favour the activities of some groups of people over others.

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Write an essay that outlines the view that a consumer society is a divided society.

Shopping has become an important part of modern UK society.    Indeed it is difficult to imagine modern Britain without the vast array of supermarkets, out of town retail parks and online shopping sites offering the consumer with a wide choice of goods and products.     Many social scientists would argue that shopping goes beyond buying the necessities in order to sustain life; they suggest that consuming is about a person expressing their identity and mirroring their personality.     Furthermore, consuming is also for many a form of socialisation and gives people a sense of belonging, as well as being a hobby and a recreational weekend activity.   Whilst a wide and varied choice of consumer opportunities may provide more and different ways of shopping in a modern society it could be argued that not everyone has equal access to consumer goods and this leads to ways in which society has become increasingly divided.

  In the industrial society of thirty or more years ago society was defined, by class divisions based on working roles as well as disposable income.   However, since the decline of many manufacturing industries the structure  of working class communities has changed meaning class divisions have become less defined, instead society has become characterised by consumption as opposed to what was produced.   This in turn has led to different ways in which society has become divided.

Social scientists suggest that consumption is influenced by a number of factors.      Examples of such factors include income, peer pressure, social expectations, advertising and the role of retailers.    

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As Bauman (1988, p. 25) suggests we now live in a consumer society which is creating new divisions.    Bauman highlights the way in which society can be defined is by two groups “the Seduced and the repressed”.

Bauman claims that we are now living in a consumer society leading to inequalities which promises choice and freedom to those who are able to consume effectively but which denies such choices and freedoms to those who are not able to consume effectively.      As Bauman explains the concept of the “seduced “are those people who are able ...

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