Has the power of the state been undermined by globalisation?

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Has the power of the state been undermined by globalisation?

The growth of globalization has been very intense in the past century. It is now possible through globalization to have access to all aspects of life from different societies of the world. This is something that we for granted but if we look just fifty years back in history, we see this was not possible for everyone to expereince. In this essay i will show how globalisation has effected the world, how we interact in interconnected societies, but most importantly the impact globalization has had on the state. This is to show whether these effects have led to the diminishment of state sovereignty. This arguement will include the outcome of a state without sovereignty and whether a non - sovereign state will still be included in global politics.

Has the power of the state been undermined by globalization?

The implications of globalization for states, can be seen in many ways, to answer the question of whether state power is undermined by globalization I will be elaborating on the nature of globalization in the state system. To show whether or not the growth in globalizastion has caused disruption of the sovereignty of the state, and if it has, what effect that has had on the state. A strong arguement to start the disscussion, I found by Heywood (2002:p99) 'Certainly, sovereignty, the defining feature of the state, is at an end, at least in so far as it implies supreme and exclusive rule.'

Globalization has been confused with many concepts, such as, internationalisation, liberalisation, universalization, westernisation and deterritorialization. All of these concepts are relevant when discussing globalization but frequently are misused to replace the concept of globalisation. Internationalisation is the most commonly confused concept, so to save any misunderstandings through this discussion i will distinguish the two now. Internationalisation is the growing interconnectedness between societies, but they still remain separate. Globalization is the ongoing process in which the world is becoming a single place. Giddens(1990:520) suggests that globalisation, 'Should be understood as the re-ordering of time and distance in our lives. Our lives, in other words, are increasingly influenced by activities and events happening well away from the social context in which we carry on our day-to-day activities'. What Giddens is suggesting here, is that we know longer are restricted to our state borders, and that due to globalisation we can simply travel and experience things that are happening all over the world as simply as we do within our own localities. There are many factors that make up globalization such as, communications, organisations, ecology, production and military, it is these elements together that give us the outcome of globalisation.

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Globalization is seen as a fairly new concept. We began to see global changes towards the end of WW2 with the developments of world trade, global investments, multinational corporations, global tourism and the global media. But it is possible to see signs of globalisation as early as the 19th century in writings of key thinkers, such as Karl Marx. Marx predicted that through capitalism and the unification of the human race, we would see a decline in nationalism and the end of the state, his predictions may not have been 'spot on', but it is possible to see similarities ...

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