International Security and World Order

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Kunjal Rajyagor                 Student ID: 4051749


“Developing nuclear weapons is a legitimate security aspiration for non-nuclear states”. Discuss.

Primarily, in order to address this statement, the positives and negatives of possessing nuclear weapons must be considered. Thus in short, an overview of the advantages and disadvantages will be highlighted.

Firstly, the positives; Nuclear weapons have guaranteed our security for two generations. They remain the ultimate deterrent to any aggressor, and the best means of ensuring peace. Also, time-lag in development means the decision to replace Trident can't wait. The world is still dangerous. Nobody can tell how much more dangerous it will be when Trident is obsolete.

Hence it is claimed desirable to check nuclear proliferation, but probably impossible. So it would be a form of recklessness to scrap our nuclear weapons when potentially hostile states like Iran are about to acquire a nuclear capability- possession of nuclear weapons gives us clout. Unilateral nuclear disarmament would "send a Foreign Secretary naked into the conference chamber" (Nye Bevan, 1957). And to add substance to theory, every British government since 1945 has seen the necessity of having a nuclear deterrent. Tony Blair was once a member of CND. It is his experience of realities which now makes him call for Trident's replacement

Conversely, it can be argued that nuclear weapons are immoral, and hence their proliferation must be prevented, since the more states that have them, the more certain it is they will be used. Britain could thus set an example by unilateral nuclear disarmament, especially since maintaining our nuclear arsenal is too expensive- it takes a disproportionate share of the nation's defence budget.

Also to consider is that replacing Trident is like preparing to fight the Cold War again. But no country now presents a nuclear threat to us, so the weapons are of no use. We are more likely to be engaged in low-level warfare in which nuclear weapons are irrelevant. To meet the challenge of asymmetric warfare (Iraq, Afghanistan), we should spend more on conventional forces and properly equip them. Possession of nuclear weapons is an outmoded virility symbol. Countries like Germany, Spain, Canada and Australia do without them and have as much global influence as Britain.

In August 1945 the United States depleted its tiny arsenal of atomic bombs on the Trinity test and on the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Still, the U.S. emerged from World War II and began the Cold War as the sole nuclear superpower. Its status as a nuclear superpower was a result of its demonstrated nuclear capability rather than the size of its nuclear arsenal.

Today, many proliferating states use their actual or potential capabilities for producing nuclear weapons in much the same way as nuclear weapon states have used their nuclear weapons. While this trend of using nuclear capabilities as weapons may lead to the proliferation of nuclear weapons programs and become a threat to the international non-proliferation regime, it also presents benefits to international security. The foremost benefit is that non-weapons based nuclear programs are more easily managed than nuclear arsenals. Nor do they present the same risk of nuclear war.

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Nuclear blackmail; while some theorists and policy-makers advocated planning for nuclear weapons use, others believed that merely threatening the use of nuclear weapons could achieve political benefits. In Nuclear Blackmail and Nuclear Balance, Richard Betts described many instances in which the U.S. threatened to use nuclear weapons in situations which were clearly not vital to U.S. national security interests as a way "to convince the enemy that any war could turn into all out war."1 He defined "nuclear blackmail" as "coercion by the threat of punishment, a threat designed either to deter or compel action by the opponent."2 These events included Truman's ...

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