To what extent is it true that in West Africa " there has been very limited progress in reducing gender inequality in most social, economic and political contexts"

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GGM346: Livelihoods in Latin America and West Africa.

Registration number; 281535.

Semester two; Question five: To what extent is it true that in West Africa “ there has been very limited progress in reducing gender inequality in most social, economic and political contexts”(Momsen and Kinniard, 1993).

Gender means examining the sociocultural factors involved in constructions of female and male and their relationship with one another. It is therefore a comparative concept. According to Davison (1997), each gender (male or female) ‘ has attached to it a set of ever-changing, socially defined characters that includes sexual orientation, procreative values and behaviours, and the social scripts through which individuals and groups interact and provide for their economic and social survival.’ Definitions of Gender and Gender relations are subsequently cultural constructions within a specific social context (Moore, 1988) and, as such, vary over time and space.  They can only be investigated and not assumed.

The World Conference in Mexico City in 1975 marked the beginning of a global examination of women’s role in the economic, political and social life of their societies and recognition of their right to participate fully and equally in all aspects of society. Constructions of gender depend heavily on positionality. As Patricia Hill Collins (1993) argues, ‘the production of knowledge and knowledge claims about gender, as well as other phenomena, are forced to submit to a Eurocentric validation process that disadvantages those outside the majority culture.’ It must therefore be noted that a Caucasian female from a developed country makes the analysis and opinions in this word limited essay. To what extent there has been very limited progress in reducing gender inequality, in West Africa, will be investigated by examining social, economic and political aspects, highlighted with examples.

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 Bosrup (1970) was one of the first authors to examine gender as a social category. The myth of women as the submissive victim in so-called traditional societies was finally dispelled, but instead new myths were created (Zdunneck, 1995), as women’s statistics are still not investigated as deeply as men’s statistics.  However, socially, cultural constraints especially weigh heavily on women. Coquery-Vidrcvitch (1997) argues that most men in West Africa still think of women as mothers submerged in traditional families that impose on them women’s and children’s social circle dominated by male strategies, with the village as the compulsory social and ...

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