Health & Safety Assignment                Nigel Gleghorn

BTEC National Diploma in Sports Development Coaching and Fitness


During this assignment I will identify influences on health & safety in sport by governing bodies, regulatory bodies and legislations.

P1) Describe Four Legislatives That Influence Health & Safety in Sport.

What Is Legislation!? - A legislation is a set of laws created by a governing body or government to minimize the health risk.

Personal Protective Equipment – 1992
The PPE has been brought into sport to minimize the amount of danger possible in the area or game. Personal protective equipment shall be used when a risk is not able to be controlled by any other health and safety measures. The PPE can be used in various jobs and circumstances for example a steward at a football game will wear a high visibility jacket to make them stand out from the rest, and football players taking part in the game will have to wear shin pads to protect there shins from injury, and for example on equipment the netting on goalposts now have to use either plastics hooks, tape or string to hang the netting up as metal cup hooks have been banned due to causing injury. When looking at protective equipment they should be marked with a “CE” which means it has been tested by the European Community Directives

Control of Substances Hazardous In Health Regulations – 2002

The COSHH has been brought into sport to minimize the amount of health problems available when taking part in sport or events. When using such harming substances great care needs to be used when handling these substances. A hazardous substance is that is dangerous to human health and the environment. There are many substances which are a hazard for example: explosive, irritating, radioactive, corrosive, oxidizing, and inflammable. Hazardous substances can be found in the most simple of things for example cleaning liquids, paints and dust. This legislative is very important for athletes who take part in swimming so that the company are covered if a swimmer becomes ill from any hazardous substances. These substances should be locked away when not being used and should be labelled with one of the below

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Manual Handling Operations Regulations – 1992

The manual handling operations regulations have come into force to emphasize the fact of how important it is to lift things the correct way, this can be anything from lifting, moving or setting up equipment. This act states that you must keep a straight back at all times when lifting moving or setting up equipment. This law will come in to certain sports for example ice skating because when skaters are doing paired figure skating they may require to lift there partner up in the air ...

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