Managing, Finance, Marketing, Production, Techanical, personnel.
Seniors Managers:
Purchasing, Advertising, Finance, Personnel, Marketing, Public relations, Research and development. Product design.
Middle Managers:
Machine shop operation, Catering, inspection, goods inward, IT services, UK sales, over sea sales.
Other staff:
Cad designers, manufacturing engineers, production schedulers, machine operatives, sales engineers, IT technicians, catering staff.
Company B: Set up 3 years ago and employing about 80 people.
This is different from company A’s chart because they don’t have any managers in the middle. The staff are not ranked from skill level or knowledge of work. Company B uses a flat organisational structure; this flat organisation will have relatively few layers or just one layer of management, this means that the “Chain of Command” from top to bottom is short and the “span of control is wide”. Due to the small number of management layers, flat organisations are often small organisations.
Board of Directors:
Individuals elected by a corporation’s shareholders to oversee the management of the corporations. The members are paid in cash and/or stock. Assume legal responsibility for corporate activities.
Purchasing, Advertising, public relation, Tooling, design office, product design, production control, CAD designer, manufacturing engineer, CNC machining centre technician. Sales, sales engineer, quality auditors.
Company C:
Company C uses a matrix organisational structure, this mean that people with similar skills will be grouped together for a particular part of an assignment, and allows for higher quality work because of having more specialization in the assignment increasing knowledge depth of work. for example all engineers in the company will be one engineering department, and report to an engineering manager.
Task 3
In task 3, I have to research a secondary company and explain how information is passed on by the people involved in the designing of the product. The product I have to clarify NP Aerospace
Company B manufacture an extensive range of products in engineering thermoset and composite materials such as composite helmets for a wide variety of customers in the Aerospace, Electrical, Automotive, Defence and Textile Industries.
c) The design is first made using software such as 2D design which is a 3d modelling program. It is then copied using paper and board for designing a spec for the product, then past on so it is check as a prototype model. It is then sent off to be manufactured in a large factory with Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) which is computer-based software tools that help out engineers and machinists in manufacturing or prototyping product components and when finished is then packages and ready to sale.
d) How information is passed between various people in a company responsible for its design. Block diagrams, Flow charts
Using software such as 2D design which is a 3d modelling program.
Sent to a factory with Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)
It is then sold in the marketplace
Task 4
A) The various types of information being passed around the company
B) Memo
Communication can be improved within the company firstly when customers phone in to check on the progress orders it is the companies responsibility to provide a good customer service the problem the company have is they have no update information to let the costumers know so the company can use MS spreadsheet excel updating the information every 4 hours therefore when a customer phones in they can inform them straight away about the progress rate. However the company can order more computers with the correct CAD software installed to get over the restricted problems, furthermore I think e mails should be used more often to communicate instead of paper work, all work should be done electronically saving time when modifying any information furthermore this save the amount of paper work. In addition for the mistakes being made in the company to stop this the machine must be certified and before any material is cut out a checking process should be made to ensure it is accurate or if there is any mistake it should be fixed.
Task 5
If in a service a product goes faulty and the customer goes to the company help desk firstly the customer will explain what is wrong with the product to the person at the desk then the person at the desk will check the product and arks the customers question such as when did you purchase this item or do you have the receipt for it them, and the item is then collected from the customer a refund of money may be made or the product may be replaced. Furthermore if the product has a warranty the product may be sent of to be repaired for the customer. However the faulty product is then sent back to the manufacturing company explaining the fault. If a product is faulty and a customer is not happy he or she may do the following listed below.
- Write a complain letter
- Phone the service up
- Arks for a replacement
- Request statutory rights
- Claim for a refund
If a product is faulty this could cause a risk a for example electrical product can cause an injury so it is important that the product standard is kept high at all time within the company or service. If a customer is injured by a faulty product he or she may claim Compensation.