'The Gift' and 'Frankenstein' - Response, Development and Evaluation

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Response Phase

We watched a video called “The Gift”. This was a story of a girl called Annie, aged 16. She was a keen sportswoman and played football regularly. However, she began to develop balance difficulties. These difficulties began to escalate, Annie and her mother, Barbara, decide to go to the Doctors. They find out that Annie has a sever condition named Friedricks Attaxia in which your muscles waste away. Annie is told that her condition will deteriorate and she will eventually die.

        On hearing this news, Annie’s brother, Ryan, who is fourteen, wants to be tested for the disease. Ryan finds that he is a carrier of the disease.

        The film now goes forward in time to the year 2012. Annie, Ryan’s sister, s now dead. Ryan is married and wants to have a child but is concerned as to whether his wife is a carrier of Friedericks Attaxia, she is tested and found as a carrier. This means that there is a chance of their child being born with this disease. Ryan wants to make sure that their child does not have the disease. Ryan persuades his wife to let him select a child, using advanced technology, which does not carry the Friedericks Attaxia gene, on condition that that is the only thing that he selects. However, as a geneticist, Ryan can read and understand the gene odes which are presented to him, Ryan decides to pick a child without the Friedericks Attaxia gene, but also selects a boy who is good at sport (in memory of Annie).

        The story again goes forward in time. Now in the year 2029, Ryan is now divorced and their son, Mark, is now 16. He is a tennis champion. However, he discovers he cannot qualify for an award because he was a ‘Designer baby’. Mark now confronts his father, Ryan, who reveals the truth.

        The film ends with a talk show, debating whether designer babies should be allowed, in which Ryan, his ex – wife, Mark, and a scientist are interviewed. Ryan and the scientist are clearly for the proposal; Ryan’s ex wife is against. They debate the pros and cons of Genetic Engineering. These included increased quality of life for the pros, but it was argues that designer babies took away the foetus’ right to live.

        We talked about the issues, characters and their viewpoints. Ryan (when he was young) was very jealous of Annie, and all of the attention she was receiving. However, he was devastated by Annie’s condition. Ryan turns out to be a very clever, determined man, who, although he took it too far, tried to use genetic engineering for good.

        Ryan’s mother played a small part in this play. She is a very loving, caring mother who, when she found out about Annie’s condition, reacted as any mother would – furious, but also devastated – I think that if she had been given the option of Genetic Engineering for Annie, she would have taken it.

        Ryan’s wife, does not believe in Genetic Engineering for anything but genetic disorders, and has to be persuaded to let Ryan select their child. She is furious when she discovers that Ryan ‘handpicked’ their child to be a boy and good at sport.

        Annie is a keen sportswoman (this is pointed out many times during her short role) and, naturally, becomes frustrated when she becomes unable to play sport as well as she can. On hearing the news she is, as would be expected, devastated. She now suffers different moods, raging from anger, to denial, to apathy. I believe that she would support Genetic Engineering.

        Mark is the product of the whole of the story’s debate. He is a very frustrated, confused, and upset character. He is also confused on the factor of the debate, he appreciates that his father meant well and possibly saved him from Friedericks Attaxia, but he disagrees with the fact that he was selected to be a boy and given ‘The Gift’ of sport.

         As groups of 3,4, or 5, we then created 5 still pictures to show key moments of the story. Ryan was the link between 1998, 2012 and 2029 as he played a main part in each of these years. Each photograph shows the change in attitude towards characters from other characters (Ryan hugging Annie – showing their ever growing relationship). The photographs are a way of “Marking the moment” (highlighting significant parts of the play).

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        We later used the photographs for thought tracking – a method used to show characters thoughts (as they may be different to what and how they speak) during a play. We then used the photographs to evaluate our success. My main success was my use of gestures, (such as photograph 5, when I (playing Ryan) hold my arms out, as if I am begging Ryan to accept my ideas and forgive me). The group’s success was how we clearly presented each scene/photograph. Maybe we could have improved by being more dramatic (increasing facial expressions and actions) or making better use ...

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