Hemingway's "Hills like White Elephants" Literary Interpretation Analysis

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ENC 1102-151961

23 January 2012

Hills like White Elephants

Literary Interpretation Analysis

This story takes place in Madrid – Spain at a train station in the late 1920’s. Hemingway used symbolism in his story “Hills like white elephants”. According to the Merriam- Webster Dictionary; symbolism is the art or practice of using symbols, especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible or sensuous representations of artistic imitations or inventions that is a method of revealing or suggesting immaterial, ideal, or otherwise intangible truth or states.

The whole story is mostly a dialogue between an American man and a girl also called “Jig” who have to make a decision that will forever affect their lives. The author uses the idea of their destinies being able to go in two different directions, just like a railroad track can go; however, there is no way to look back, the only step is forward.

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Hemingway uses some key elements to develop the theme of the story. The theme is about how Jig sees the possibility of keeping her unborn child and having a happy life, while the American man fails to see the possibilities and works to persuade her to go through the abortion. The author never names the topic of their discussion but as their dialogue progresses; it becomes evident that Jig is pregnant.

Of the many symbols from the story, some of the main ones are the hills, white elephants, and the railroad station. As the story continues to develop the scenery ...

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