How Does Arthur Miller create dramatic tension in A View from the Bridge(TM)?

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How Does Arthur Miller create dramatic tension in ‘A View from the Bridge’?

In A View from the Bridge we see struggles and relationships between almost every character; there is not one character that does not add to the dramatic tension in some way. Arthur Miller has the characters create tension in three main ways: presence on stage, movements on stage and speech. The central character is Eddie, he is the reason for a lot of the tension and we see this tension build up to the climax of his death.

The relationship between Beatrice and Eddie causes tension very easily because of their differences of views on Catherine’s welfare. From the beginning we see this by Catherine’s decision to get a job. when Eddie finds out this he is making excuses almost to block out the fact that he loves her and does not want her to change from her current ways. ‘It’s not wonderful. You’ll never get nowheres unless you finish school. You can’t take no job. Why didn’t you ask me before you take a job?’, this care for Catherine causes a large proportion of the tension in the play. Every so often we see Beatrice approach Eddie away from the other characters and order him to change his views towards Catherine. This conflict between them reverberates tension throughout the whole play. Arthur Miller made Eddie a self self-righteous person and making his attitude constant throughout. This in turn puts him in the wrong side and forces the tension towards him.

Catherine and Eddie’s relationship starts off as a passionate one. ‘Hi, Eddie!...You like it? I fixed it different…ill get you a beer, all right?’. Catherine throughout the play shows immense care for Eddie and is reluctant to break away. Arthur Miller did this to keep tension extended in the play, if Arthur Miller made her decision instant it would not have the same dramatic effect. This lack of confidence in herself makes her choices split between to people causing tension in its own way, the extra encouragement by Beatrice and dis-encouragement by Eddie puts stress on her relationship with Rodolpho and Beatrice’s and Eddie’s relationship.

From the beginning of the play we can clearly see Eddie’s over protective attitude towards Catherine. This is meaningless until the point when he sees a person threaten their intimacy, this protectiveness is because of the fact that he is in love with Catherine and does not want another man to pull her away from him, ‘you are walkin wavy! I don’t like the looks they’re givin’ you in the candy store’. In this case Rodolpho is the person that Eddie considers a threat, he sees the attraction between them and tries to persuade Catherine that he is not right for her. he questions everywhere she goes with him and this puts stress on Catherine and Rodolpho’s relationship became of Eddie’s resentment towards him, she has to choose between Eddie and Rodolpho and this is the central tension in the play, the tension builds up as Rodolpho and Catherine’s relationship builds and gets stronger pulling Eddie away from the rest of the characters in the play. It is important that this makes Eddie feel powerless.

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Marco’s character appears passive for a large amount of the play but we can see that he is neutral as long as Eddie does not interfere with his family or their in America. Only at these occasions does Marco stand up against Eddie, we see an explosion of Marco’s stress towards Eddie when they are taken by the immigration officers. This is because his family is involved making the background of the characters build up the tension of the play, ‘that one he killed my children! That one he killed my children! He stole the food from my children!’ ...

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