Production Piece: Challenging the representation of sex offenders in society.
English Production Piece
Barely clothed, their soft elongated legs become sprinkled with goose bumps as the blustery winds of the evening wrap onto the warmth of their limbs.
Stop staring. Just leave them alone. They’re far too young to be interested in you. Look at yourself, you’re vile; a 41 year old man glaring at 20 somethings on a Saturday night, you’re a disgusting creature who preys on women like they’re pieces of meat.
No I’m not.
Yes I am.
No I’m not,
Am I?
You see, whatever you seem to think about, however unnerving or disturbing – it all seems to make sense inside your head. You never come across anyone who believes they’re a bad person or their mind shouldn’t be wondering things society dictates they’re not allowed to wonder about. Doesn’t everyone put their past into a compact, air tight box? Doesn’t everyone lock it and throw away the key? Just to make sure that when that undeniable desire to open the box arrives, you physically can’t, and you are forced to dismiss it and carry on with your day. That’s definitely what I do… until my sinful urges overcome my body like a force of evil. My urges make me uneasy and force beads of sweat to race down my forehead. I feel jittery as if everyone is glaring at me.