Discuss how far tectonic hazards can be viewed as purely physical processes

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Discuss how far tectonic hazards can be viewed as purely physical processes

A hazard is an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result. It increases the probability of the occurrence of loss. J. Whittow (1980) stated ‘a hazard is a perceived natural event that threatens both life and property’.

Tectonic hazards are those hazards caused by movements of the plates at the earths crust known as tectonic activity. Therefore Earthquakes are most often referred to as tectonic hazards. Other tectonic hazards include tsunamis caused by seismic activity and volcanic activity. These hazards are complex in nature involving both direct (e.g. earthquake shaking) impacts and indirect (e.g. seismic tsunami) impacts. They tend to be ‘spatially predictable’ but ‘temporally unpredictable’ so we know where they are likely to occur but not when.

Tectonic hazards are distributed along clear zones in the earth’s surface determined by plate movements. Within these zones there is a relatively high hazard risk. Outside these zones the risk of direct hazard is very low but indirect hazards (such as earthquake generate tsunamis) may affect vulnerable areas along the way. Hazards are caused by plate movements and the release of heat (volcanoes) or stress (earthquakes) from the lithosphere. However as well as physical processes human factors can influence and cause tectonic hazards. This can include building on plate boundaries and causing pressure on the earths plates due to population growth. Socio- economic causes can be perceived benefits from living in the area, human impacts through land use and infrastructure developments e.g. deforestation, building and road construction, expectations and preparedness and access to wealth and information.

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During the 20th century two patterns have emerged. There are increasing numbers of reported hazard events in each decade and there are bigger costs (in terms of death or damage) in many events. Over geologic time, plate movements in concert with other geologic processes e.g. glacial erosion, have created some of natures most magnificent scenery. The Himalayas and the Swiss Alps are some examples. Yet violent earthquakes related to plate tectonics have caused terrible catastrophes such as the magnitude 7.7 earthquake that struck the Chinese province of Hebei in 1976 killing 800,000 people.

The earth’s rocky outer crust solidified billions of ...

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