The sunrise. What a sight. The dreary dark of the night is lifting. It is being invaded by my strong sunrays. The silver ark has finally vanished. The night finished, my stretched arms appear filling the beach like a toddler colouring in their colouring book. Not perfect but getting there. My vibrant yellow and orange rays pierce through the cold of the night seeking out the damp from under the rocks warming every crack.

        As I was filling the beach with warmth I noticed a beautiful looking crab scuttling across the shoreline zigzagging and darting across the golden sand, trying to get to the rock pools adjacent to the beach. The shell was a mixture of colours: crimson, grey and verdant blending into an inky blue. Along the coastline the crab picked up some food that he could eat. The crab used his mammoth pincer to pluck the food out of the moist sand. I noticed that the crab wasn’t normal. Instead of scuttling gracefully it seemed to hobble. This unfortunate crustacean had lost a leg and a pincer from a battle bravely fought

           The mist by the sea cliffs is starting to vanish and the sea fog lifted like a blanket being pulled in by my sister (the moon) like a fisherman hauling in his latest catch. My sunrise is nearly complete. I finally manage to pull myself up. My strength is magnificent. I am liquid gold in the sky. I hold my warmth in my arms. Now I can rest for a couple of hours.

          It is now the early hours of the morning. Still a bit nippy but my warmth will win. Big puffs of cloud jostle and fight in the early morning sky, like huge cotton wool balls or candyfloss at the fair. Soon they will lose their fight and be blown to a place far away, and then the sky shall be mine again.

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        My sunrays gently bounce from the sea’s surface; the waves tumble relentlessly, galloping one after the other until they reach the silky sand of the beach. Across the sand I see footprints trailing behind a man walking beneath me, his dog bounding and pirouetting all around him. The man’s face is haggard and gnarled like the bark of a tree from many an early morning walk in the biting wind and blinding sun.

        Allowing my gaze to wander to the far side of the beach, I see a group of burly ...

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