Childcare in Education Level 3, Unit 1. The different sectors involved in education and relevant legislation.

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Unit 1 assignment.

Statutory sector education is provided my law by the government or by the local authorities for children aged 5 - 18. What the setting teach is based on the National Curriculum or the EYFS framework. One example of a setting which is a statutory sector is a mainstream primary or secondary school. Statutory sector supports children and their families by providing a childcare facility and education which in turn provides a good start in life and a place where parents know that their children are safe. It also provides a routine that helps children later in life to deal with work schedules.

        Voluntary sector is paid for by donations and charities, however the authorities do pay for the upkeep. The voluntary sector depends on voluntary, rather than paid for effort, an example of a voluntary sector setting is a youth centre. These organisations add value to the community and bring the community closer together, voluntary sectors provide their own child protection, health and safety and data protection policies and procedures, however still undergo regular OFSTED inspections. Voluntary sectors provide a place for underprivileged children to socialise with children they might not have met otherwise, it also provides a place for children of families with low incomes to go which requires no membership or fee, voluntary settings also usually provide a volunteer social worker that is there for support.

        Private sectors are provided by donations and funding mainly from churches. Private settings have the option of whether or not to follow the national curriculum as it is not legally required. One example of a private sector setting is a sports club which requires a membership or fee to join. They provide childcare, a safe place to come after school, going to private settings also enhances and develops language skills which the child may not have had before, a club gives the children a chance to get involved with extra curriculum activities and provides a chance to socialise with children from different backgrounds.

The United Nation Convention for the Rights of Children produced 5 key articles which are:

  • an education and to have the right to achieve through equal opportunities. (Article 28)
  • Children have to express their views freely. (article 13)
  • Children have the right to be protected from all forms of discrimination (article 2)
  • The best interest of the child to be the primary consideration in all actions concerning children. (article 3)
  • A childs right to freedom of expression and exchange of information regardless of frontiers.

They have also produced five main strands to the convention which are:

  • Reinforces the importance of fundamental human dignity.
  • Highlights and defends the family’s role in children’s lives.
  • Seeks respect for children.
  • Endorses the principle of non-discrimination.
  • Establishes clear obligations for member countries to esure that their legan framework is in line with the provisions of the Convention.

Another piece of legislation which supports the rights of children is Every Child Matters 2004, which has the goals that every child, regardless of their background should have the support to:

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  • Stay safe.
  • Be Healthy.
  • Enjoy and achieve through learning.
  • Achieve economic wellbeing, to be able to provide themselves with financial support.
  • Be a positive contribution to society.

The third legislation that supports the rights of children is the EYFS and is a learning framework for children aged 0 – 5. The welfare requirements include such things as the ratio of staff to children in rooms, the qualification of staff and the types of food and drinks that the children are allowed.

The principles which guide the work of all early years practitioners are grouped into four themes, ...

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A very good essay that shows the writer has done their research. The first half of the essay discusses current legislation and how this influences the way a setting works. There are places that the writer could expand on by giving a little more explanation in the second half, extending their ideas a little.