Discuss the skills the practitioner requires to effectively communication in a social care settingg

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Name: nina krysa          candidate number: 10/679415     Date: 14/6/11         Unit: 11


B1 Discuss the skills the practitioner requires to effectively communication in a social care setting.

Practitioners need many skills to have effective communication in a social care setting. The first thing they need to have the effective communication is to stay professional. The second skill required would be listening because then you are giving them the respect and you are building a stronger relationship with each other by respecting of their opinion and views. The fourth skill would be having good eye contact because this shows that you are respecting and valuing them. Written skills can also have an effect on the communication as this is another way which the practitioner will need to communication by for example sending out emails to parents. The sixth skill required to have effective communication in the social setting is to remember to not use jargon or slang as it does not look very professional. Another skill would be to have a shared and collective understanding of language.  It can also be by having good verbal skills because it gets both parents and practitioners to communicate face to face and can be oral in context such as when writing a letter. The last skill would be to using non-verbal communication.  ‘’people who use services and cares can feel powerless when they become involved with practitioners, so it is important that their expertise and views are recognised and respected. Practitioners also need to be honest about their own views and concerns. Communication has to be a two-way process.’’  (http://www.communitycare.co.uk/Articles/2008/10/17/109700/proven-practice-communicating-with -services-users-and their-carers.htm)  

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B2 Discuss why team work is important within social care setting.

It can also have benefits for the family and child because then you can give the best possible co-ordinated services for them and also work with them to give and meet their needs.’’Good teamwork does not necessarily require good interpersonal relationships or friendships (see an example of good teamwork with poor relationships). Rather, what is required is behaviour that results in better team performance’’ (http://www.teamtechnology.co.uk/teamwork.html)

A1 Explain why practitioners should help children to be able to express their needs and feeling.

Practitioners should help children to be able ...

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