Prevention of disease

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Section D


Prevention of the Disease


looking at the data I collected for section B it shows high levels of MRSA up in 2005, but due to this a lot of awareness that has been made to prevent MRSA the numbers seem to have drop. Health Proection agency have issued a leaftet in the north west England, the number of MRSA cases have descresed due to the more awareness about the disease.

The leafet is about washing your hands more frequently to prevent the diease from either spreading or developing into serious cases. I have produced a Questionnaire and asked a few people at my local hospital which is Lewisham Hospital and here are the results from that questionnaire:

Appendix 1:

                     Have You ever Heard of MRSA?


As you can see from the pie chart, the majority of people I asked have heard of MRSA. 85% of people answered yes to my question which shows the government’s plan to make awareness about the killer bug.

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Appendix 2:

                             Age group that answered the survey

(Appendix 2 shows the different age that I asked with again the majority of the 40+ answering the questionnaire.)

Appendix 3:

(Appendix shows the number of people that I asked on how to prevent MRSA)

All together I asked 20 people to participate in the questionnaire ...

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