Extended Essay: Bismarck and The Unification of Germany

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Extended Essay                                                                                       

        To what extend does Otto Von Bismarck deserve his reputation as the man who united Germany?

   On the 18th of January, 1871, Bismarck proclaimed the German Empire in the Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles. Germany had been unified be Prussia, under its prime minister Otto von Bismarck. The unification involved three wars and, it has been claimed, was not created by a desire for nationalism but a struggle to determine Prussian dominance within the German states. Up until World War II, it was widely accepted that Bismarck alone was responsible for unification.  However, modern historians agree that Bismarck did not begin unification from nothing and have identified other factors influencing unification and the spread of nationalist ideas from 1815. These historians argue that if it weren’t for factors such as the Zollverien, cultural and political nationalism and the Strength of Prussia and decline of Austria, Bismarck would not have been nearly as successful.

        Before Bismarck burst onto the political scene in 1862, it is clear to see that the foundations for unification were already laid, this is shown in the economic strength of Prussia prior to 1871. The Zollverien was and important factor as it brought many German states together economically and excluded Austria. Prussia had gained valuable land in the west in 1815. this land provided her with valuable coal and iron resources. Prussia became quite rich due to trade with other countries and many of the smaller states realised that they could benefit from trade with each other. Trade between states was very difficult so to encourage trade, Prussia established a customs union in 1818. Member states would not have to pay taxes as goods were transported from one state to another. By 1836, this union was called the Zollverien and had 25 member states, equating to around 26 million people. As trade increased, ideas spread and the states realised that they benefited from closer contact with each other. The economy was developed further due to the introduction of a banking system and the growth of the steel industry. Economy also boomed due to regular artillery orders from Von Moltke’s army. In addition to creating an economic, free-trade area, the Zollverien also introduced a single currency, thus stimulating economic growth. The Zollverien was very important to later unification as it brought many states together as one economic unit and excluded Austria. It also increased Prussia’s power and influence over the states. Most historians agree that the Zollverien aided hugely in the moved towards unification in Germany. William Carr described the Zollverien as “the mighty lever of unification”. While Prussia was enjoying all this success, Austria was weakening, she had been excluded from the Zollverien all together and failed when she attempted to set up her own customs union. Prussia, therefore became the economic leader of the states. The tremendous impact of economic unity can not be ignored whilst giving an accurate picture of factors influencing German nationalism and in this was, it is unfair to give Bismarck all the credit for uniting the states.

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        In 1815, the year of Bismarck’s birth, many German composers and writers were involved in what can be known as the Romantic Movement. During this time, writers such as the brothers Grimm collected folk tales from all over the German states and published them, they believed to create the future of German, they would have to look on Germany’s past. By making the tales available to all Germans, ideas spread this brought the states closer together. The view that the German states should join together was expressed in books, newspapers and magazines. One place where these views really caught on ...

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This is a very strong response that goes into a great deal of detail and includes thoughtful evaluation to link back to the question. To improve further, the author could reconsider the order of her paragraphs so they flow more logically and come to a more developed judgment in the conclusion.