Graphic User Interface: is icons that load your programs that show up on your desktop, colours that set the background colour for the window, the start menu and folders that you are enable to click and anything that you can click is classed as a form of GUI. Windows I would say is the best example of an operating system that uses GUI. This is because everything that you can visualize on windows is a GUI.
GUI requires point and click which most of Computer users are used to apart from maybe disabled user because it hard to use without additional software.
This is a screenshot of Windows that uses GUI
Command User Interface: is interacting with the operating system and has been around well before GUI. This doesn’t require the use of icons or the clicking the mouse for a chosen program or file to open. It uses commands that are created using symbols, text and also numbers. Long before the GUI was brought out in home computers, everyone used CLI.
DOS is a good example of an operating system that uses CLI.
CLI allows you to control directly over the system but it requires specialist training and knowledge to be able to use it.
Out of those 2 interfaces I prefer GUI this is because I find it easier to use and navigate. This is because Graphical user Interface is friendly by having pictured displays showing all programs that can be executed and files that you can access. It also has a pointing device (the mouse) that is used to point and select items from menus or display.
GUI faster to use this is because on CLI codes have to be remembered and type for a task to be completed. GUI is easier to understand because you can see what you want to do rather codes that may confuse a user like CLI depending on their ICT knowledge.
GUI also allows you to embed media while CLI can’t.