Examine the debate as to whether the law should reflect moral values, and discuss issues which show the continuing importance of that debate.

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Sana Fazlanie 13HMW

Consider the view that there is a close relationship between law and morality?

Examine the debate as to whether the law should reflect moral values, and discuss issues which show the continuing importance of that debate.                                             (30+5 marks)

Morals are society’s values and beliefs which distinguish from right and wrong. They are constantly changing to reflect society’s attitudes ad current social circumstances. Morality can either be prescriptive or normative; which specifies what ought to be done and what is morally acceptable or unacceptable behaviour. This has mainly been influenced by religious beliefs which set the moral code of ones attitudes and beliefs. However, laws are a ‘rule of a general norm mandating or guiding conduct,’ state from Twining and Miers.

Law and moral rules are similar in that they guide social conduct and behaviour, but the main difference is that only rules with legal statuses lead to sanctions and remedies which courts will enforce.

Even though law develops from a shared morality, there are differences between the two. Morality develops over a long period of time, whilst the law can be introduced instantly. Morality cannot be changed deliberately; it is formed slowly, and changes according to the will of people and society’s opinions and attitudes. For example, in the late 19th century, Oscar Wilde was ruined and imprisoned over his homosexuality. However, now gay couples have equal rights to a sexual relationship as heterosexual couples. On the other hand, laws can be altered deliberately by legislation. In other words, behaviour which was lawful can be declared as unlawful.

Another distinction being that law makes certain behaviour obligatory with legal sanctions to enforce it by the state. Whereas, breaching morals may lead to some sort of social condemnation, where state is not involved. As illustrated in the case of Gillicks.

Both the law and morality can dictate the way in which people are expected to behave. They are normative. There are similarities between the two. A law exists or it doesn’t. Whereas morals are much vaguer. Some activities are immoral and illegal. For instance murder or theft. The ideas of morality change over time, like the legal code of rules. Often the legal rules are behind the changes in morality. For example, in the case of R V R, the rule that a man can never rape his wife had changed. This was because most people felt that the wife was a property to the husband and therefore this rule was unjust. The law can then sometimes take a long time to change and catch up with social thinking of morality which is dynamic.

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However, in some cases, the law does not generally lag behind the morality. Sometimes, the law can bring about changes in the way social circumstances are thought at the time of the change. For example, drug use was mainly for the upper and middle classes, and was also legal at the time. However, this then went underground when it was criminalised; which led to the increase in social stigma. Drink driving was in the same circumstance as drug use. Before drink driving was permitted in society, as well as the law. However, recently drink driving has been banned in accordance ...

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Summary: This essay follows an appropriate structure of discussing theory first followed by cases showing the influence of law and morality in the way decisions were reached. However none of the cases or examples used convincingly supported the point being made and there could have been greater use made of a contrary view. Rating: XXX (just)