a.) Outline the range of alternatives to the court that deal with civil disputes.
Until recently, if you had a legal problem, you would normally have to go to court or a tribunal in what is often called 'litigation'. This is still a common way of sorting out such problems. But going to court can be expensive and off-putting.
Now there are more alternative ways of sorting out complaints and legal problems. Together they are often called 'alternative dispute resolution' (ADR) and include things like arbitration, mediation and ombudsmen schemes. In some types of problem, the courts encourage people to try these sorts of schemes first before they resort to the courts.
Some of these alternatives are; Tribunals, inquiries, arbitration, mediation, conciliation, negotiation and ombudsmen.
There are two types of tribunals Domestic tribunals and Administrative tribunals.
Domestic tribunals are "in house" tribunals set up by private bodies for their own internal discipline. The General Medical Council and The Bar Council have tribunals staffed by senior members of the profession whom have powers to fine, suspend or disbar a member for misconduct. They must stick to the rules of natural justice and their decisions can be appealed against to the Judiciary.
Administrative tribunals have a more general jurisdiction; to enforce citizen's rights to well fair and social security entitlements. All decisions can be judicially reviewed. These tribunals include Social security, employment, immigration appeal and rent.
Until recently, if you had a legal problem, you would normally have to go to court or a tribunal in what is often called 'litigation'. This is still a common way of sorting out such problems. But going to court can be expensive and off-putting.
Now there are more alternative ways of sorting out complaints and legal problems. Together they are often called 'alternative dispute resolution' (ADR) and include things like arbitration, mediation and ombudsmen schemes. In some types of problem, the courts encourage people to try these sorts of schemes first before they resort to the courts.
Some of these alternatives are; Tribunals, inquiries, arbitration, mediation, conciliation, negotiation and ombudsmen.
There are two types of tribunals Domestic tribunals and Administrative tribunals.
Domestic tribunals are "in house" tribunals set up by private bodies for their own internal discipline. The General Medical Council and The Bar Council have tribunals staffed by senior members of the profession whom have powers to fine, suspend or disbar a member for misconduct. They must stick to the rules of natural justice and their decisions can be appealed against to the Judiciary.
Administrative tribunals have a more general jurisdiction; to enforce citizen's rights to well fair and social security entitlements. All decisions can be judicially reviewed. These tribunals include Social security, employment, immigration appeal and rent.