Jayson Calagos Media Studies Production Log Date TaskResourcesOutcome Any other factors 03/05/09Starting the main Task which is the Preliminary task of the magazine cover. - Computer (Internet)In this area I will research and looking for certain information about the magazine covers which am I choosing to work in the main task in media studies. By the end of the lesson in media studies, I will deciding the brief about what task I doing in media, so I choose to do PRINT task because it’s easy to do and also my brother doing this brief task so maybe my brother also influence me to do this task. When I research in internet search engine (www.google.com) I research about the magazine front cover, then I found a website which is all about  explaining the semiotics (means study of sign and symbols) in teenage magazine. In this information a found in Google maybe I will read this information because this will be helpful to me to do my task about the magazineIn the task is music magazine cover because I have some knowledge on how to make a music magazine, because when I was doing a media studies in last year (2007) I choose also magazine cover. So in this brief task I doing is I have idea and techniques to do this task and also music is one of my favourite hobbies.03/06/09Research and find information and pictures in making a music magazine cover.- Computer (Internet)- Magazine - Library (Library is really good
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source of information to find good research about this task made in media. I found lots of information on the magazine covers, which is in internet.The magazine and the library – means also my resources to help me to create my own magazine cover. In these sources I found some ideas on creating my own music magazine cover. This kind of source which is the best guidelines to search for making magazine cover because I see beautiful pictures, and found some techniques on how to build my own magazine cover, and other information related in magazine. Maybe I will barrow ...

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