Muscular contraction and Action potential.

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Muscular contraction and Action potential

     Muscle can contract only when a nerve ending is stimulated by outgoing impulses from the Central Nervous System (CNS), which consists of the brain and spinal cord.

There are Three types of muscle: smooth, cardiac and skeletal: -

     Smooth: smooth muscle is involuntary and found within hollow internal organs. It is slow to contract, although can sustain a contraction for a long period. There is a single nucleus and no striations (bands); smooth muscle is arranged in parallel lines.

     Cardiac: cardiac muscle is involuntary and only found in the heart. It contracts rhythmically. Its intercalated disks permit quick spreading of the impulse, so contractions are also quick. There I complete relaxation between contractions and no fatigue.

     Skeletal: Skeletal muscle is attached to bones under voluntary control; the contraction of these muscles causes bone movement. The fibres are cylindrical, striated and multinucleated.

     Skeletal muscle structure: Tendon connects the muscle to the bone.

‘Facia’ connects the muscle to tendon; facia is connective tissue, several layers thick, the innermost layer is called ‘epimysium’.

‘Fasicles’ exists within the epimysium; the fasicles are separated by ‘perimysium’. 

Muscle ‘fibres’ within the fasicle are separated by ‘endomysium’. These muscle fibres also contain ‘myofibrils’ which run the length of the muscle fibre.

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Myofibrils contain protein filaments called ‘Actin’ and ‘Myosin’, actin and myosin move in opposite directions to cause muscular contraction, muscles shorten no more than about 60% of the resting length.

     Parts of the microfibril: Actin and Myosin protein filaments make up much of the muscle fibre, Actin is the thin, light filament, and myosin is the thicker, darker filament. The arrangement of theses fibres produces darker and lighter areas; the dark areas of myosin are called ‘A bands’ and the light areas of actin are called the ‘I bands’. Actin filaments can also occur inside the A bands, during contraction, ...

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