A materialist rejection of the view that the mind is merely reactive

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A materialist rejection of the view that the mind is merely reactive

What we believe today is that everything is physical, our minds are chemicals and electrons whizzing round.

One of the implications of this materialist view of the mind is that our minds only react to outside stimuli.

This is because of cause and effect. The two basics of cause and effect are that every effect (or occurrence) has a cause. Nothing just happens. The second is that cause and effect have a predictable relationship. Given the same causes, the same effect will follow. Basically because effect follows cause (like chicken and egg), we can in theory keep following back and identify the big bang as the cause of me writing this sentence. Dave discusses cause and effect in the essay ()

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However, the theory of destiny / choice duality is still a materialist theory, and surely the tenant that we make no intentional thoughts, but merely respond to experience stands?

Two points stand against this position. Firstly, we do not experience the world directly. By the time the qualia caused by the outside world reach our consciousness, they have been filtered through our minds, and in a sense shaped by our experience, prejudices, culture and language, etc.

This is to say that what we consciously experience is filtered and altered by our unconscious minds. My identity is contained in ...

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