Examine the factors which influence the Location of present day Manufacturing.

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Examine the factors which influence the Location of present day Manufacturing.

It is clear that the are a number of factors that are taken into account when a company, especially TNC, choose a location for a factory be it local regional or even national There are many Factors affecting the location of manufacturing industry: -

In the past raw materials had a greater influence over the location of industry as they had to be located close to them. This was mainly due to the immobility of the raw materials which where heavy and costly to move when transport was poor. Today this has changed with today’s industries said to be footloose, meaning they have no ties.

These days new forms of power have been introduced and it can now be easily transported thanks to the national grid and oil tanker making power a only a small influence when deciding on a location for an industry.

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New types of transport and infrastructure have been introduced in the 20th century such as Lorries, railways and air travel which means that transport is no longer a major issue and transport only accounts for 2-3 per cent of a companies total expenditure.

The pull of the market is now of higher importance than the location of raw materials and power supplies and highly rated historians such as P. Boxall have rated as the most important.

Labour supply is know one of the major factors for a company to consider and is more important than the location of raw materials and ...

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