Biological Rhythms, Sleep and Dreaming

a) Biological Rhythms

A biological rhythm is a biologically driven behaviour that is periodically repeated.  

These rhythms are governed by both internal (endogenous) and external (exogenous factors).

There are three types of biological rhythm.  These are:  Circadian, Infradian and Ultradian rhythms.

Circadian Rhythm

Circadian rhythms take place once every 24 hours.

The Sleep-wake Cycle


The best example of a circadian rhythm is the 24 hour sleep-wake cycle, associated with which are many cyclical changes with active and dormant periods, for example body temperature.  

Research has studied whether circadian rhythms are natural and triggered internally (endogenous) or whether they rely upon external cues in the environment (exogenous).

Research has involved participants being deprived of possible zeitgebers (an external event that partially controls biological rhythms – literally means ‘time-giver’), such as sunrise and sunset and temperature changes during a 24 period.

Siffre (1972) was removed from the normal light-dark cycle, by being kept in a dark cave for 2 months.  There were no zeitgebers such as natural light or sounds and he had no idea what time it was. He had food and drink and so on. His behaviour such as when he slept/woke and when he ate his meals was monitored.

At first the findings showed there was no clear pattern in his sleep-waking cycle.  

However, later his sleep-waking cycle settled down to a regular pattern of about 25 hours i.e. longer the normal 24 hour cycle.  

This suggests that our internal biological clock must have a 25 to 30 hour cycle and that that our zeitgebers must reset the clock to our normal 24 hour day.  

This study is supported by and Wever (1979) who discussed studies on participants who spent several weeks or months in an underground bunker without any cues to light or dark.  

The findings showed that most of them displayed circadian rhythms of about 25 hours.  

However, this is not a universal finding. Folkard (1996) studied one individual who had a 30 hour cycle.

These findings suggest that there is an endogenous sleep-waking cycle.  

However, the fact that there is a difference between the endogenous sleep-waking cycle and the normal sleep-waking cycle indicates that external cues such as changes in light and dark also play a role in entraining our biological clock.

Research has been carried out into endogenous factors such as the involvement of the hormone melatonin in the sleep-waking cycle.

Schochat et al (1977) conducted a study where male participants spent 29 hours in a sleep laboratory.  Throughout the time, they spent 7 minutes in every 20 lying down in a bed in a darkened room trying to sleep.  This allowed Shochat to measure the tendency to sleep at different times of day.  Schochat measured the levels of melatonin by taking blood samples three times an hour during the 29 hour period.

At the end of his experiment, his results showed a close relationship between circadian rhythms and melatonin secretion.  Therefore, suggesting that melatonin plays a major role in the sleep-waking cycle.  

Thus, this supports the role of endogenous factors in the sleep-waking cycle.

However, these studies have been criticised because they ignore individual differences.

There are two important types of individual difference.

One is the cycle length as research has found that circadian cycles can vary anywhere from 13 to 65 hours.  The other type of individual difference is whether you are a morning or evening person.  Duffy et al (2000) found that morning people prefer to rise early and go to bed early (about 6am and 10pm), whereas evening people prefer to wake and go to bed later (10am and 1am).

Furthermore, it has been argued that even though the participants were isolated from exogenous cues, they weren’t isolated from artificial light, which is now known to have an effect on our circadian rhythm.

For example, Czeisler at al (1999) altered participant’s circadian rhythms down to 22 hours and up to 28 hours using dim lighting.

This challenges the belief that circadian rhythms are endogenous.


Another example of a circadian rhythm is body temperature.

Research has shown that some abilities (e.g. memory) vary with this temperature-related rhythm.

Folkard et al (1977) read stories to children at either 9am or 3pm.

After one week, the 3pm group showed superior recall and comprehension.

This suggests that recall from long term memory is best when body temperature is at its highest.

In contrast Monk and Embrey (1981) found alertness best when body temperature was at its lowest.

However, the fact that there is a link between body temperature and cognitive performance does not mean that changes in body temperature actually cause improvements in cognitive performance.

However, there is evidence to support this relationship.

Giesbrecht et al (1993) lowered body temperature (by place participants in cold water) and found cognitive performance was worse, at least on some tasks.

Wilkinson et al (1964) raised body temperature and found improvement on some cognitive tasks, though this dropped off over 38 degrees.

Infradian Rhythm

Infradian rhythms occur for more than one day but less than one year.  The menstrual cycle is an example of infradian rhythms in humans.  

The human menstrual cycle in women approximately lasts 29.5 days between the ages of 15 and 40, suggested by Binkley (1997).  The cycle is governed by hormones, an endogenous mechanism.

The endogenous can be affected by many external cues.  Reinberg (1967) documented the duration of a women’s menstrual cycle during and after she spent 3 months in a cave.

Her sleep-wake cycle lengthened slightly and her menstrual cycle became shorter during her stay in the cave. It took a further year for her cycle to return to normal.  

This suggests that light can influence the menstrual cycle.

Furthermore, there is evidence that a women’s menstrual cycle can be entrained by the menstrual cycle of other women, an example of exogenous control.  

It has been a common observation that women who spend time together, such as girls living in boarding schools, appear to have synchronised menstrual cycles (McClintock (1971)).  

Support for this comes from a study by Russell et al (1989). He collected daily samples of sweat from one group of women and rubbed them on the upper lips of women in a second group.  

Despite the fact that the women were kept physically separate, their menstrual cycles become synchronised with their odour donor. This occurred presumably because of pheromones in their sweat which affected their cycles.

However, despite the implication that a pheromone is involved in the process, scientists have yet to isolate it.

A further criticism of the study is that there are a number of methodological flaws, for example the use of scientists directly involved in the research as ‘sweat donors’.

Role of endogenous pacemakers and exogenous zeitgebers

A biological rhythm is a biologically driven behaviour that is periodically repeated.  

These rhythms are governed by both endogenous and exogenous factors.


Endogenous pacemakers

The role of endogenous pacemakers is to set the internal body rhythms.

Most organisms have an internal body clock that matches the time passage of the 24 hour day and therefore they can control their circadian rhythm.

This clock is endogenous in that it is part of their organism rather than being part of the environment.

In mammals, the main pacemaker for endogenous (internal) rhythms is the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). This is a small group of cells located in the area of the brain called the hypothalamus. It is called the SCN because it lies just above the optic chiasm in the brain.  A neural pathway connects the retina (in the eye) to the SCN.  This allows light falling on the retina to influence neurons in the SCN.  

Research evidence in support for the role of the SCN as an endogenous pacemaker has been provided by Morgan (1995).

Morgan removed the SCN from hamsters and found that their circadian rhythms disappeared, indicating the importance of the SCN in controlling biological rhythms.  

Morgan also found that if mutant hamsters are bred so they have a circadian rhythm of 20 hours instead of 24 hours and their SCN’s are then transplanted into normal hamsters, the normal hamsters will display the mutant rhythms.  

This again shows the role of the SCN as a pacemaker.

This is further confirmed by Silver et al (1996) who also showed that transplanted SCN’s can restore the circadian rhythm to an animal whose own SCN has been removed.  

The SCN appears to be the master clock, however when the SCN is removed the body temperature rhythm persists (i.e. body temperature is at its highest about half way through the waking day  (early to late afternoon) and at its lowest halfway through the sleeping part of the day (3am)), which suggests that there is another clock.

For example, Folkard (1996) found that after 25 days in a cave Kate Aldcroft developed a 30 hour sleep-wake cycle but a 24 hour temperature cycle.  These findings indicate that there are separate internal clocks controlling the sleep-waking cycle and temperature.  

Exogenous factors

The role of exogenous zeitbegers is to train the body clock to external cues.

As mentioned above, the SCN also receives direct information from the eye about the level of light.  This means the SCN can be controlled internally but can also be reset by external cues.  

In fact recent evidence shows that humans may receive information about light from elsewhere in the body.  Campbell and Murphy (1998) demonstrated that participants given regular light exposure on the backs of their knees had changes in their circadian rhythms in line with the light/dark they were exposed to.

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However, it is not clear how this information would get to the SCN.

Light is considered to be the main zeitgeber in humans.

The importance of light as a time-giver can be seen in the difficulties observed in blind people.  

Miles et al (1977) documented the problems of a young man who was blind from birth who had a circadian rhythm of 24.9 hours. He was exposed to various exogenous zeitgebers such as clocks and radios yet found great difficulity reducing his internal pace.  This made it very difficult for him to function ...

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