Outline and evaluate the cognitive interview.

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Outline and evaluate the cognitive interview.

The cognitive interview (CI) has four main parts. The first part is to report everything. The interviewer encourages the reporting of every single detail of the event, even though it may seem irrelevant just in case it is a vital piece of evidence. In the second part of the CI, the interviewer encourages the interviewee to mentally recreate the environment and contacts from the original incident. This allows the witness to recreate the scene of the crime, which may jog their memory. In the third part of the CI, the interviewer may try alternative ways through the timeline of the incident, for example by reversing the order in which the event s occurred. This is an efficient way of getting them to remember details as it stops them thinking in one way (e.g. assuming that something follows something else because it usually does). The fourth part requires the interviewee to recall the incident from multiple perspective, for example by imagining how it would have appeared to other witnesses present at that time.
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Research has generally supported the effectiveness of the CI over the standard police interview (SI). Kohnken et al. carried out a meta- analysis of studies comparing the CI to the standard police interviews found that the CI produced a significant increase in the amount of accurate information recalled. Research with police forces has also supported the superiority of CI. In Brazil, research testing the effectiveness of the CI has shown that it produces more forensically rich information than the SI. A major advantage of the CI is that it allows much more information to be recalled by elderly ...

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