Assess the claim 'Our lives are determined'

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Assess the claim that our lives are determined

In order to address this question, we must consider whether our futures are already set out or we have the power to determine our own destiny; better known as free will. For the sake of the question at hand I will be backing the argument that we do have free will and our lives are not already set in stone. I will explore the ideas of free will and determinism; branching out into predestination, fatalism, species essence, economic determinism, fatalism, libertarianism and existentialism. However to begin tackling the assessment of determinism, we must first elaborate on what free will is. In order to have free will, we as humans require two things: we must have mental free will, the ability to be in complete control where nothing forces our decision. We must have physical free will, the ability to act accordingly to our decisions; doing what we want because we have chosen to do it.

Determinism is the belief that a determinate set of conditions can only produce one possible outcome given fixed laws of nature. Primarily, determinism is based around the idea of causality; everything that happens has a cause. This view clearly agrees with the idea that our lives are determined; however it is important to remember that determinism is subject to the natural laws of physics. This means that the physical world is determined by causality, for example there is water on the floor because a water pipe had burst, but our choices remain causally undetermined since our mind is not a part of the physical world. Naturally I disagree with the fact that everything in the physical world is determined by causality and it does not take into consideration the effect of the choices humans make in the world.

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In contrast to determinism, fatalism holds the view that our lives are already planned out and there is nothing we can do to change that. Fatalism does not deal with the causal necessity that determinism does. Going back to the idea of the water on the floor, a determinist would say this is only possible if the water pipe had burst. A fatalist on the other hand would simply say the water will be on the floor regardless of what happens prior to the event. This belief also agrees with the idea that our lives are determined and it also ...

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