Electronic Components.

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Electronic Components

All electronic circuits consist of combinations of electronic components. The power supply provides the electrical force (V) to 'push' current (A) around a circuit.

Electrical components can be grouped into three categories:

  1. Input transducers - senses a form of energy and converts it into an electrical signal
  2. Processors - this may amplify a current or act as an electronic switch
  3. Output transducers - changes an electrical signal into another form of energy

Basic Electronic Components

Input Components


Output Components

Detailed Electronic Components

Electronic circuits are made up of three main stages:

  • Input components - convert other forms of energy into electrical energy
  • Processors - have a range of functions including making decisions and amplifying current
  • Output components - convert electrical energy into other forms of energy
  • A power source - provides the electromotive force to push a current around a circuit
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For current to flow, and the circuit to be complete, components must be joined by a conductor such as wires or tracks.

  • To measure the amount of current through a component, we use an ammeter.
  • To measure the p.d. across a component, we use a voltmeter.

The Resistor

Resistors can be used to reduce the current in a circuit.  The higher the resistance of the resistor, the lower the current that it allows to flow.  As a result, they are often used to protect other components in a circuit.  Resistance is measured in ...

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