Investigating the colour variation of Littorina littoralis and their abundance across the upper, middle and lower zones of a rocky shore

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The objective of this study was to see whether the abundance of different shell colours of Littorina littoralis were distributed in any significant way over the upper, middle and lower zones of a rocky shore. The study took place on Porth Cwyfan, Wales, and involved taking readings of shell colours over each zone using an interrupted belt transect. Using the chi-squared it was shown that there was significance in how the different shell-coloured Littorina littoralis were distributed.

Section 1 - Introduction

Littorina littoralis are gastropod molluscs distributed widely in north-west Europe [1]. The species is known colloquially as the ‘flat periwinkle’, due to its shell’s flattened spire.

Littorina littoralis exist in a variety of colours, usually appearing olive-green, but yellow, brown, banded and criss-cross patterned varieties are also common .  Figure 1.1 shows a selection of Littorina littoralis shell colours. These colours are related to the degree of exposure to wave action, with olive-green shells being dominant on sheltered shores and criss-cross brown shells on exposed shores [1]. These differences are believed to be maintained by visual selection of predators, such as shore fishes [1].

Throughout the day, most coastal areas experience two high tides and two low tides. High tides cause the sea to flood in, submerging the entire rocky shore while low tides expose the shore to harsh winds and extremes in sunlight

The exposure to sunlight varies along the rocky shore. The lower zone of the rocky shore is predominantly covered by the sea for most of the day. British shores are particularly muddy-brown in colour, and so the majority of sunlight will be blocked before it can reach the sea bed. The upper zone, however, is exposed to air and sunlight for the majority of the day, only becoming submerged at full tide. Even at full tide, the sea would be very shallow and so significantly more sunlight would reach the sea bed here than in the lower zone.

        Littorina littoralis live in association with certain fucuoid algae. These algae themselves are dependent on certain environmental conditions, for example they need moisture to avoid desiccation, and also require sunlight for photosynthesis. If it were the case that upper zone of the rocky shore spends the entire time exposed to sunlight and air, and the lower zone spends none of its time exposed to sunlight and air, it is very likely that - due to the distribution of fucuoid algae, and the threat of desiccation - most Littorina littoralis will be found in between these two extremes. Although this is not the case, it provides a basic idea of where to expect Littorina littoralis to be distributed.

Very few species can tolerate the upper shore, as it is relatively dry. Most shore organisms live in the middle zone of the shore, the main area of the shore which is covered and uncovered by every tide [2].

Exposure to sunlight and air causes increased rates of evaporation. For the Littorina littoralis, prolonged exposure to these conditions can cause them to dry out, known as desiccation. For this reason, it would be unlikely for any Littorina littoralis to be permanently situated in the upper zone, or indeed for the upper zone to be its preferred location on the rocky shore. The upper zone also offers much less protection from predation of terrestrial species like birds, meaning that the number of Littorina littoralis in the upper zone would generally be much lower than the test of the shore.

For most organisms, life is a struggle to survive. Organisms are forced to compete for resources, both with members of its own species (interspecific competition) and those from outside its own species (intraspecific competition). Intraspecific competition also affects the population distribution of a species.

An organism which has a phenotype that better suits its environment will generally have an advantage over its competitors. This usually increases the chances of the organism surviving. A desirable phenotype can be anything from a slightly longer or shorter fur length to having slightly longer or shorter limbs.  Having a slightly better chance of surviving leads to an increased chance of reproduction. This means that the desirable phenotype should be passed down to future generations, which should then show the same desirable phenotype and have the same increased chances of survival. This is the principle of Darwin’s theory on ‘Natural Selection;.

Similarly, those organisms with undesirable phenotypes will have lowered chances of survival, and so have decreased chances of reproduction. This means that, if the organism dies without reproducing, its undesirable phenotype is removed from the gene pool. Another possible outcome is that the organism does reproduce, and so its offspring display the same undesirable phenotype and have the same decreased chances of survival.

This process leads to desirable phenotypes becoming more common and undesirable phenotypes becoming less common. This is the basis of natural selection, and over many years, it leads to species from one environment to be come more adapted to living there, slowly tending towards an optimum phenotype. Variation in an organism’s phenotype can come from freak mutations in its DNA; however the chances of a mutation being beneficial to an organism’s chances of survival are very low.

For Littorina littoralis, its variation in shell colour will be the result of natural selection. The variety of colour in shells that exist now will have been the colours favourable towards its chances of survival. More colours may have briefly existed in the past, however they may have been undesirable towards its existence, for example being brightly coloured to attract predators.

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When the theory of natural selection is linked to the idea that the environmental conditions are varied along a rocky shore, it may be possible that different shell-coloured Littorina littoralis have each become adapted to best suit one of these environments.

The habitat of the Littorina littoralis is related to the location of fucuoid algae, in particular Ascophyllum nodosum, Focus vesiculosus and Focus serratus. The Littorina littoralis feeds upon these seaweeds [3], and also uses them to maintain moisture when exposed to the air. Therefore the distribution of these algae will also be a factor of Littorina littoralis distribution on a rocky shore. ...

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