Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

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Magnetic Resonance Imaging

In 1944, Isidor Isaac Rabi was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for his resonance method for recording the magnetic properties of atomic nuclei. This method was based on measuring the spin of the protons in the atom's core, a phenomenon known as nuclear magnetic moments. From Rabi's work, Paul C. Lauterbur and Peter Mansfield were able to research into magnetic resonance imaging (also known as nuclear magnetic resonance, NMR) and were awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2003.

Lauterbur, a professor and director of the Biomedical Magnetic Resonance Laboratory at the University of Illinois, realised that it was to possible to create an 'internal picture' of an object by NMR and had his ideas witnessed by a colleague. These ideas were based on the use of a magnetic field gradient - a magnetic field that varies through space.

Mansfield, a professor of physics at the University of Nottingham had no knowledge of Lauterbur's work and had an idea of how he might get an NMR picture of a crystal, similar to an X-ray signal crystal structure. With continual pioneering work with his colleagues, he was able to produce the first picture from a live human subject in 1976 with true anatomical detail. He continued to be a pioneer in the field, developing better imaging methods for larger body parts and also for imaging well past the sub-cellular level, all using the idea of NMR.

How does MRI work?

To investigate this, I intend to give an account on the basic physics of MRI and then explain the significance of the phenomenon to today's society. The areas I will research and address are:

* The basic idea of MRI

* The gyromagnetic ratio

* Speed of precession in a magnetic field

* Larmor Frequency

* Relaxation times

* Gradient Fields

* Production of a magnetic resonance image

* The major advantages and disadvantages of the system.

Basic idea

Hydrogen nuclei are subjected to a pulse of radio waves, which causes them to briefly emit low-intensity radio waves. These are detected by the MRI scanner, which measures the signal as the patient is scanned by a changing magnetic field. The signal is processed, producing an image of where the hydrogen atoms in water molecules and lipids are located.

Nuclei used in NMR contain an odd number of protons or neutrons and so possess intrinsic spin. (Spin is an inherently quantum property. In the context of this document, it refers to the turning motion of a proton). Hydrogen nuclei also possess a magnetic moment M (a magnetic field created by the moving positively charged protons) that has its origins in circulating currents. This means that there is always an angular momentum J associated with it. The vector quantities M and J are related by the equation:

M = ?J

Where M = magnetic moment

? = The gyromagnetic ratio

J = angular momentum

Angular momentum is the momentum of a body, which undertakes rotational motion. Momentum, P itself is a vector quantity that determines the potential force that an object can impart to another object by collision. It is calculated by mass x velocity. Since angular momentum involves rotational motion, it can be calculated by:

Radius of circular motion x momentum

Since momentum = mv,

Angular momentum = mvr

The gyromagnetic ratio is a nuclei-specific constant. For the normal isotope of hydrogen, with one proton, one electron and no neutrons it is 42.6MHz/T.

The equation means that a system must possess a magnetic moment, angular momentum and experience torques for it to exhibit a magnetic resonance. Torques are turning forces causing rotational motion.


When nuclei are in the presence of an external magnetic field they experience torques trying to align them with the applied field. Since they are spinning, the resultant movement is a precession. In other words, the nuclei will rotate around the axis of the magnetic field. If the protons in the nucleus can be made to precess about the external field lines in phase with each other, then their transverse field components will add up to give a small net transverse field that rotates about the external field axis at the Larmor frequency. The Larmor frequency is the resonant frequency of the precession of the protons.(Resonance normally refers to a vibration or oscillation only occuring at a certain frequency. In this case, it refers to the protons absorbing energy only at the Larmor frequency).The field can be detected and produce the information from which the image is generated in a MRI scanner. This will be explained later in the production of a magnetic resonance image section.

In order to achieve the protons precessing in phase with each other, they must be made to absorb radio-frequency radiation of the same frequency as the Larmor Frequency of the precession. Protons which absorb this energy will flip from a low-energy state to a high-energy state with their axes anti-parallel to the external field lines.

(a) Shows random alignment of hydrogen atoms when there is no magnetic field applied.

(b) Shows that when a strong magnetic field Bo is applied, the protons, having their magnetic moments, align themselves with the external magnetic field. They precess along the field lines of the magnetic field. Precession is shown more clearly below:


A spinning proton Precession

Z represents the direction of the direction of the external magnetic field as shown by B0. X and Y are the respective axes at right angles to the magnetic field.

The red arrows are the protons which are precessing around Z. They are in their low-energy state, parallel to Z.


The majority of protons will align parallel to the external magnetic field since this is when they are in a low-energy state. Some however, as shown in the diagram below will align anti-parallel in the high-energy state. These will cancel out the protons pointing upwards. The remaining protons in the low-energy state which have not been cancelled, add up to produce a magnetic vector in effect, in the direction of the B0 field. This is known as longitudinal magnetization.

[Source: "MRI made easy" by Prof. Dr. Hans H. Schild page 12, published by Nationales Druckhaus Berlin 1990]
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Z is the uniform B0 field as before, and X and Y are again the respective axes at right angles to the field. The red arrows are the protons, and the elliptical white arrows show that the protons are not static but are precessing about the magnetic field line.

Larmor Equation

The Larmor frequency is proportional to the strength of the external magnetic field:

?0 = ??0

Where ?0 = Larmor frequency

B0 = external magnetic field

? = gyromagnetic ratio

This equation demonstrates that the stronger the external magnetic ...

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