How the human resources department helps Sainsbury’s meet their aims and objectives.
The human resources will have various jobs to do within the Sainsbury’s store I am looking at. One of the biggest jobs the human resources does is deal with the staff within the store and see that they are happy and see that they are doing things properly. The human resources department can helps Sainsbury’s meet their objectives by:
Training staff: it is important that a company has workers that know what they are doing and workers that are trained to do different jobs. The human resources at Sainsbury’s will be responsible for training their staff up to a certain standard so they can do the job properly. One of Sainsbury’s objectives is to satisfy their customers. One way Sainsbury’s can satisfy customers is to have staff that can help in the proper way and know what to do in certain situations.
Good working environment. The human resources department is responsible for all their workers and keeping them happy at all times. If Sainsbury’s do not treat their workers properly the workers may not work as efficient as they could do. If the human resources keep the workers happy it will create a good working environment for everyone. Having a good working environment will be better for customers as well. Sainsbury’s has an objective of keeping customers happy. having a good workforce will mean they are customer focused and able to help the best way they can.
Without the human resources department Saisnbury’s would not have trained workers. The workers they would have would not know what they are doing and they could not help customers and provide good customer service. If Saibsury’s are not providing a good customer service the will not reach their objectives. If their was no human resources workers would not get paid for working and the staff will not be looked after in the correct way and this could lead to future problems.
Job roles within the Human Resources Department
Human resources director: for Sainsburys The human resources director decides the overall staffing policies of the organisation. Advising senior management. Setting the HR budget. In charge of all the HR functions in the organisation.
Human resources manager: managing the HR department and staff, involved with the industrial relations and trade unions negotiations, implementing the organisation's HR policies.
Recruitment officer: responsible for the recruitment and selection of staff. This job is important to Sainsburys because it is a big company and they have a lot of staff and are always looking to recruit new staff.
Training/staff development officer: responsible for training and staff development. After Sainsburys have got the staff they want they will have to train them up so it is their job to do that.
Personnel/staffing officer: keeping staff records, monitoring staff welfare.
Health and safety officer: overseeing all health and safety matters, accident monitoring and prevention.
Security officer: general security, responsible for all security staff.
Human Resources administrative assistants: administrative work relating to the human resources function.