Compare the poems 'upon Westminster bridge' by Wordsworth and 'London' by Blake.

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BY Richard Warman

Compare the poems ‘upon Westminster bridge’ by Wordsworth and ‘London’ by Blake

In the poem ‘upon Westminster bridge’ by Wordworth he describes London from Westminster. He describe it as the most beautiful place on earth of early in the morning. Wordsworth say no-one could ignore such a beautiful unless they were “dull of sole” this means that any one with a sole would find this sight so beautiful and someone with out a sole is like a sad and cant see the inner beautiful of London.

Wordsworth use the word City he uses the capital letter for city is shows that Wordsworth makes the place important and this is a sign of respect. Wordsworth also uses a a metaphor within the poem he describes the city as a “bath in beauty” he also says that it is fell like he is wearing the morning. As the sunrises Wordsworth describes the city at its best and fells proud and keen to talk about the beauty of the city. Wordsworth uses the words “silent” used to described the cities quite and peaceful land the word “bare” this means no people about yet and the calm atmosphere.

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Wordsworth describes the building he can see they all stand out “beautiful” buildings, which are designed for religious worship made for the communities the music and the theatre. The other buildings stand out for the cultural, religion and the architecture reasons. Wordsworth only describes the city as a beautiful city because his background is from the wealthy side and does not know what the poor parts are like because he has never experienced them parts of the city and does not know what it is like working in the factories, wordsworth sees Wright past the poor parts of London.


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