Wordsworth describes the building he can see they all stand out “beautiful” buildings, which are designed for religious worship made for the communities the music and the theatre. The other buildings stand out for the cultural, religion and the architecture reasons. Wordsworth only describes the city as a beautiful city because his background is from the wealthy side and does not know what the poor parts are like because he has never experienced them parts of the city and does not know what it is like working in the factories, wordsworth sees Wright past the poor parts of London.
Wordsworth describes London as “bright” “glittering” smokeless” he uses these words because it is the time of the morning the sun is reflecting and no movement of people this time of the morning. This is an experience of London of the wealthy parts that Wordsworth would of visited. In Blake’s poem we see all the negative aspects of London.
Wordsworth describes the way that the sun has made the city look as beautiful as equal to the natural world look. we always thinks of the natural scenery is more beautiful than the city like the mountains and the river but wordsworth sees the city just as beautiful. Wordsworth says has never experience such a calm, beautiful, and tranquil. Wordsworth describes the river as “glided” smooth, elegant, Daingerfield calm. Wordsworth describes the river as it is flowing in its one way and it flows like it has a character.
Wordsworth addresses god he says that as if it like the houses are a sleep because the city is so quite and peaceful because ther is no one around and the houses are not even wanting the food. Wordsworth describes London in a metaphor in the last line he says that London has a heart as the centre of the country it pumps life around like the heart pumps blood around the body to keep it alive.
This poem is a sonnet this means that it has14 lines and around 10 beats per line. This make the poem very limited rather than the page long poems but wordsworth gets so much beauty in such a little poem.
The poem London is by William Blake it is about the poor sides of London. Blake sees the complete opposite of what Wordsworth look at London. Blake is walking around the streets of London and meeting people, every one that he meets is unhappy there is lots of misery due to the poverty and the social conditions. This is where the government is not helping the people in need. Repetition Blake emphasise how much everyone is suffering.
Blake writes about how everyone is unhappy and the phase “infants cry of fear” this is not right because babies should not be aware of fear London has got so terable that children suffer this is bad because the life is not right and should be changed. “Mind forged manacles”alliteration this is a image of people become so used to living in poverty they can not be motivate them selves to get into a better life and live life in stile and see London the same why that wordsworth does