The animals agreed to seven commandments. The main commandment was number seven, ‘All animals are equal’.
Propaganda: Something written or spoken with the intention of making people believe what you want them to believe.
Squealer is in charge of all the propaganda for Napoleon. Every time something happens which makes the animals question the way that the revolution is progressing, Squealer uses his skill with language to persuade them that everything is alright.
A quote was squealer using proper gander is,
“Surly comrades, you don't want Jones back!”
This quote was said so that the animals would rather Napoleon to be leader and not Jones. Napoleon exploits the animals in the farm, and by the end of the novel Mr. Pilkington says that,
“The lower animals in animal farm did more work and received less food than any animal in the country.”
This backs up the fact that Napoleon exploits and works the animals on the farm. He also exploits the animals in the way that they produce all of the food and drink, and Napoleon, Squealer and the other pigs consume it. This is a lot like when Jones was running the farm. Napoleon started to change the commandments throughout the novel.
‘No animal shall sleep in a bed with out sheets’
‘With out sheets’ was added for the pleasure of the pigs this meant that they could sleep in the beds, but they didn’t need the sheets because they were in the barn house. Also the pigs said that they would never sleep in the barn house at the beginning of the story but Napoleon moved into it because it was more comfortable and warm.
He also uses the dogs as a fear factor. Napoleon took nine puppies, born to Tessie and Bluebell, and kept them away from the rest of the animals. He made it his job to train them. Once they were trained he used them for protection and as killing machines.
“The dogs promptly tore their throats out.”
This quote was used when four pigs confessed that they had been in touch with Snowball since his expulsion.
Napoleon is cunning in the way that he expels his enemies either running them off the farm or killing them.
“Napoleon uttered a high pitched whimper of a kind no one had ever heard him utter before. Nine enormous dogs wearing brass-studded collars came bolding into the barn. They dashed straight for Snowball, who sprang from his place just in time to escape their snapping jaws. In a moment he was out the door and they were after him.”
This quote was used just before Snowball was chased out of the farm. Napoleon uses the dogs to chase Snowball of the farm. Also he uses the dogs to kill. He made the animals admit to crimes they obviously did not commit. Once they admitted to the crime he got the dogs to kill them in front of the animals.
“Three hens who had been the ringleaders in the attempt to rebel over the eggs now came forward and stated that Snowball had appeared to them in a dream and instructed them to disobey Napoleon’s orders. They were slaughtered.”
Napoleon got the animals to do this so he could be feared by the animals and so they didn't disobey him or try to rebel against him. Napoleon has broken commandment. “No animal shall kill another animal.” So he changed the commandment to “No animal shall kill any other without cause.
Napoleon also blackmails the animals. For example when the animals are building the windmill he says,
“This work is strictly voluntary, but any animal who absented himself from it would have his rations reduced by half.
This quote shows Napoleon does no care for the animals he only wants the job done.
Napoleon has gained control of animal form by the means of propaganda, power, fear and suppressing his enemies. He starts to take over during the beginning of the story when he steals the apples and the milk. This shows he is greedy and taking more than his fair share. He than gets rid of snowball and other opposing enemies. He becomes more powerful when he gets his nine guard dogs. He then starts to spend a lot more time away form the rest of the animals and becomes paranoid. He kills animals which admit to crimes they did not commit. In the end he becomes a human. He dresses like a human walks on his hind legs and carries a whip around. He has taken over animal farm without the animals realising.