How does Shakespeare create empathy for Juliet in act 3 scene 5?

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How does Shakespeare create empathy for Juliet in act 3 scene 5?

        Romeo and Juliet is a romantic tragedy, about two ‘star-cross’d’ lovers, whose relationship is doomed from the start as the pair come from rival families, this is a tragedy through no fault of their own. They know they would never be allowed to marry as in the 16th century fathers organised who their daughters married, but despite of this Romeo and Juliet decide to marry in secret. A 16th century audience would be shocked that Juliet went against her father however a contemporary audience wouldn’t think it was a serious issue. After the marriage Romeo tries to avoid conflict with Tybalt however when Tybalt kills Mercutio, Romeo seeks revenge. He kills Tybalt then flees after reflecting on what he has done. Romeo is then banished as a result of his actions. This immediately makes the audience sympathise for Juliet as she has sacrificed a lot for Romeo and she may never see him again. This scene sees Romeo in Juliet’s room, the morning after consummating their marriage.

        Shakespeare creates both a romantic mood and a sense of approaching horror. “let me be tane, let me be put to death,” The word tane means to be taken. This could suggest Romeo would rather leave than be killed however this could also suggest Romeo would rather die than leave Juliet, Shakespeare compares Romeo’s love for Juliet with death to emphasise the power of love. He could also compare Romeo’s love for Juliet with death as the pair are ‘star-cross’d’ lovers so they might as well be dead as they are not meant to be together. Both characters suggest acts of suicide throughout the play, this suggests that they would rather die than spend their lives apart and that they will do anything to be together. This could make the audience sympathise for the pair as they are destined to be apart. Shakespeare is emphasising the strength of love which could foreshadow a later tragedy. In the end Romeo leaves as he doesn’t want to die. This is contradicting the phrase “let me be put to death”, this suggests that Romeo is a coward and not a loyal character. This could make the audience sympathise for Juliet as she has risked a lot for Romeo and she may never see him again.

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        Shakespeare creates a tense atmosphere when Juliet is told about her arranged marriage to Paris. “I will not marry yet and when I do, I swear it shall be Romeo whom you know I hate, rather than Paris.” This suggests that Juliet doesn’t want to marry Paris because of Romeo. This is an example of dramatic irony and ambiguity as to her mother this means that Juliet would rather marry her worst enemy than Paris whereas to the audience this means that she doesn’t want to marry Paris because she is married to Romeo. This could make the audience ...

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