"Without the First World War British women would not have gained the right to vote in 1918" Do you agree or disagree with this interpretation?

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"Without the First World War British women would not have gained the right to vote in 1918"

Do you agree or disagree with this interpretation?

Explain your answer using the sources and knowledge from your studies

In 1914 a war broke out between the major countries of Europe, on one side was Britain, France and Italy on the other was Austria-Hungary and Germany, later on in the war other powerful countries were involved such as the USA and Japan. This war was a total war which meant involving everyone not just the soldiers. The women's movement delayed their protests to help in winning the war. As the men went off to fight in the war women had to take over their jobs to keep the country moving. Women worked in places such as munitions factories and public transport where they had never worked before.
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At the beginning of the war people thought it would be over in a matter of months so men rushed to sign up before it was too late for them to be part of the glory. But as the war dragged out less and less people were willing to sign up until eventually the government forced able men to join the army, this meant men leaving their jobs to fight in the war, this created an enormous labour shortage so the government had to think of an alternative to men.

Women were already working in important jobs ...

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